Crisis Here in Trump Country

The Governor

I’m listening to New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and his daily press conference.   He’s personal, he’s empathetic, and he is organized.  He is letting the people of New York, and now America, know what the status of his “hot spot” state is.  He is telling us how many people are in the hospital, how many are on ventilators, how many are dying.  And most importantly, where his state is “on the curve”, and what his citizens can do to make things better.

“We didn’t lose anybody because we couldn’t provide care.  We lost people we couldn’t save,” he said.

His words are deadly serious, and he is convincing.  And though he is telling us dire news, more deaths, he is also leading New Yorkers, and really the nation, “…through this, together”.  

Blue and Red

COVID-19 spreads fastest in the tightest environment.  It is no surprise then, that the densely packed region around New York City, and Seattle, and Los Angeles, and soon New Orleans and others, are the areas that are most impacted by the virus.  That it also happens that those are “blue” regions, Democratic areas; isn’t really a surprise.   Is there an urban area in America that is “Trump Country”?  

That last sentence just led me into a research reverie.  Name a city in America that is “Trump Country”?  I found it – you can’t do “cities,” you have to do “metro-areas”.  By metro area Birmingham, Oklahoma City, Jacksonville, Cincinnati and Nashville “metros” are the top “Trump” vote getters in 2016. They range from 58% in Birmingham to 55% in Nashville. But that was the metro – the cities themselves (City Lab) were Democratic.

“Trump Country” is by definition not the city.  “Trump Country” is the suburbs, and the long stretches of highway between urban centers in America.  You can see the Trump flags and MAGA signs along the interstates, and flapping in the small towns and villages of our nation.  One’s across the street and down the road here in Pataskala.  They are not the “first strike” areas for the corona-virus.

Once in a Lifetime

COVID-19 should not be a political issue.  We have a nation in crisis, under a threat we haven’t faced in three generations.  It was back in 1918, when we were unsure of the mechanisms of infection and disease that we had the last world pandemic to deal with.  It was the Spanish flu then, and 675,000 Americans died. The percentage was 675000 out of 106 million, or a little more than one half of one percent of the population.  That’s six out of one thousand.  But it was near six times more than the number of Americans killed in World War I at the same time. It would be over two million dead today.

So we have only a vague collective memory of this kind of plague.  And it’s easy, sitting out in “Trump Country”, to think that it’s someone else’s problem.  Here in Licking County there are numbers too:  fifty-seven confirmed cases, nine hospitalized, two dead.  Small when compared to New York: easy to ignore, or worse, to blame.  Is the corona-virus crisis creating just one more “Blue v Red” division in our nation?  We now are finding that the current epidemic is impacting African-Americans at a greater rate than white Americans, is that just one more wedge prying us apart?

The American Way

It’s not that here in Pataskala we aren’t following “the rules”.  We are socially distanced, isolated from our neighbors and community.  The street conversations now take place from either side, voiced across the stretch, rather than a huddle in the middle.  The five in the morning traffic is way down, people working from home, or perhaps not working at all.  And the kids, all pent up in their homes “going to school” in a way that seems an awful lot like ten tons of homework, are for the most doing their part.  Not many “groups” wandering, even the “Huffy bike” gang can’t be found.

But you wonder if the blue and red difference in the emergency might just wedge our national divide wider.  It would be easy for one side or the other to claim “righteousness”.  It might not even be from the campaigns, but maybe worse, just a social media trend.

Let’s hope not.  America is in one-time a lifetime crisis, hopefully the last of this kind.  There will be enough blame to pass around once it’s over, but for now, we should share in the suffering and pain of our fellow citizens.  

It’s the American thing to do.

A Hot Summer in Philly

Back to School

Sometimes I have to be a history teacher.  I remember it was in week two of American Government class that we discussed “Federalism.”  Lets go back to High School and analyze the Constitution and our governmental structure.

 We hear a lot of talk today about “Federalism”.  The President says he isn’t intervening in the various state responses to the corona-virus crisis because of “Federalism”.  He claims that it is the state government’s responsibility to react, not the National government.  The National government is only there for “support”.   You hear Dr. Fauci, Dr. Birx, and Vice President Pence saying the same things – perhaps to “get along” with the President.

Countries around the world are confused by this American response.  In so many ways we act as “one nation” (under God, indivisible) in the eyes of the world.  We respond as the US Army, not State armies.  We trade as the US government, not California and Rhode Island.  And we control our borders, and much of our national financial life as a nation, not single state units.  From the outside, the United States seems to be responding in a fragmented, disassociated and confused manner. That doesn’t occur with most issues.

One Nation

We have all heard the phrase, “…one sovereign nation of fifty sovereign states.”  It all goes back to the years after the American Revolution, and the nature of  “the deal” made between the former colonies when they organized together.

The original organizing document, the Articles of Confederation, was a “weak central government” document.  The power, most notably the power to raise money through taxation, was granted to the states, not the central government.  So, when the Revolutionary armies were in the field, begging for resources, the Second Continental Congress was in Philadelphia (after the British left) begging the states for money.

And while the armies won the Revolution, as much in spite of the Congress than because of it, the weaknesses of Confederation became even more glaring as they attempted to make a nation.  Thirteen kinds of money, thirteen forms of taxation, thirteen border regulations:  it made it impossible for the nation to function, or ultimately, to survive.

Hot Summer in Philly

The “Founding Fathers” gathered in Philadelphia to fix the problem.  They weren’t necessarily doing it out of the goodness of their hearts; they were planters and traders, ship owners and merchants, and they directly felt the economic impact of the failure to unify.  So, without any mandate to do so, they undertook the writing of a new governing document “out of whole cloth” instead of revising the Articles.

They wrote the Constitution, carefully compromised to create a powerful but carefully limited Federal government.  From the very first words, “We The People” they bypassed the powerful state government structures.  They spoke of making, “…a more perfect union,” one that could govern a nation, not a squabbling bunch of states.

And at the end, in Article VI of the seven-article original, they put the following words:

This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding.

What the Founding Fathers couldn’t do in ink, Abraham Lincoln copied in blood.  The American Civil War was the final arbiter of “state’s rights”.   The “National Supremacy” that was agreed to in Philadelphia, was set in the stone markers in the military cemeteries of Shiloh, Antietam, Gettysburg and Petersburg.

A Federation

We as a nation have established that every citizen eighteen years or older, man, woman, black, white, has the right to vote.  We have established a national speed limit, from time to time.  Those of us who “can’t drive fifty-five” remember it well (who would think you could quote James Madison and Sammy Hagar in the same piece).  We control opioid drugs, and we set national pollution standards.  In fact, the Federal government is right now suing California for setting more stringent standards than the rest of the nation.

There is nothing about “federalism,” nothing about the Constitution that would prevent the President of the United States and the Congress from acting in the face of this existential crisis.  Could the President quarantine the nation?  With the cooperation of Congress, he could.  Could he order folks to shelter in place, or declare national martial law?  If the corona-virus doesn’t fit the concept of “invasion,” spreading death and destruction throughout the land, what would?  And if there is no other wording that satisfies the need to take a National stand – how about these:

“To make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers, and all other powers vested by this Constitution”. Art 1 – Section 8

Would could be more “necessary and proper” than a NATIONAL response to this existential crisis.  We need not hide behind “Federalism” to put the “blame” or responsibility on the Governors and States.  Our Federal government has the power, authority, and obligation to act.

The Political Agenda

Our Finest Hour

It’s the spring of the corona-virus.  We will remember this as a checkmark in history.  Where were you on 9-11, and when did you find out about the Challenger disaster?  And now what did you do during the Corona-Virus, and inevitably, who did you lose.  The Queen is speaking to the United Kingdom tonight, probably paraphrasing Winston Churchill:  

“… Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves, that if the British Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will still say, ‘This was their finest hour’”.

The United Kingdom, the United States, and much of the rest of the world, are facing the existential crisis that we always feared.  We are challenged by an easily spread disease that will kill a large number of people.  It has shut our economies down, and is overwhelming our healthcare systems.  Some nations are dealing with it better than others, but every nation is faced with fear; fear of a hidden threat that cannot be seen, heard, or cured.

Politics as Usual

But here in the United States, the political agenda continues despite the disease.  It might seem like a time to let other controversies go by, to unite against the common, as the President says, “invisible enemy”.  Here in Ohio, we’ve found a way to do so, uniting around a Governor and a Health Director who are solely focused on “flattening the curve”. Governor DeWine he has largely set his political agenda aside.  He is working to be Governor of all Ohioans, not just Republican Ohioans.  

The same cannot be said about President Trump.  This week, while we have struggled to watch the daily press briefing, wondering whether to wear facemasks like Dr. Fauci said, or ignore the need like the President; the Trump Administration has continued to pursue their unique political agenda.

Revenge Campaign

The next victim of the Impeachment “revenge” campaign fell on Friday.  Michael Atkinson, the Intelligence Inspector General who notified Congress of the “Whistleblower’s Complaint” that triggered the impeachment inquiry was told that his “services” were no longer required.  Atkinson followed the letter of the Whistleblower Law, but was still sacked.  He joins several other members of the Intelligence Community, including the acting Director of National Intelligence, to be removed because the Trump Administration suspects them of “disloyal” actions toward the President.  

It’s not just about the spectacle of “revenge”.  It’s also the loss of the “best and brightest”, the non-partisan government workers who have the “knowledge” to guide our foreign actions.  They’re being weeded out, and not surprisingly, some of them are the foremost experts on Ukraine and Russia.  But the didn’t pass the Presidential “loyalty” test, so they’re gone.

More Pollution

The Administration also pushed ahead with their plans to allow increase, yes you read that correctly, increase polluting emissions for cars.  They claim it will make cars cheaper so more Americans can buy new vehicles, stimulating the economy, but, it is a direct contradiction of past Presidents’ policies. 

“The Safer Affordable Fuel-Efficient (SAFE) Vehicles Rule will increase carbon dioxide emissions standards for the nation’s automakers by 1.5% a year through model year 2026”. Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, wife to Senator Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, stated: “By making newer, safer, and cleaner vehicles more accessible for American families, more lives will be saved and more jobs will be created” (NPR).

Closing The Border

Meanwhile the President’s Acting Homeland Security Secretary has stopped processing immigrants at the Southern border.  Illegal immigrants can no longer claim “asylum” and gain their legal rights, they are simply shipped back to wherever they came from.  While this violates a previous Federal Court order, Secretary Wolf claims this is in response to directives from the Centers for Disease Control. 

This is occurring, even though there is no evidence that corona-virus infection is occurring among illegal immigrants.  In fact, Mexico, where the immigrants are coming from to cross the border, has only 1890 confirmed cases of corona-virus, versus the United States with 311637 (as of 4/5/20).

Restricting the Vote

And in our “new world” of corona-virus, the President and many other Republicans continue to demand that elections go on like “normal”.  In fact, the President himself spoke out against voting by mail, stating that people need to “line up” and vote in person, with photo ID’s.

The Democratic Governor of Wisconsin, Tony Evers, asked the Wisconsin state legislature to allow voters extended time to get and return absentee ballots, but the Republican controlled body refused to do so.  Currently Wisconsin intends to continue to vote on April 7th, with open polling stations in violation of the Governor’s own current “shelter in place” order.  Many stations have lost their poll workers, unwilling to risk the exposure, so what will actually happen is still unknown.  

But in general, the President and the Republican Party (with some notable exceptions) have firmly stood against expanded mail voting, claiming election security concerns. This is despite the fact that it was the Republican Party in North Carolina who committed the biggest absentee fraud of the past several years.  But since mail voting tends to increase voter turnout, and the Republican Party takes the stand the increased voting is “bad” for their Party, they continue to impede voter rights, even in this corona-virus environment.

The biggest threat to the Trump Presidency is voter turnout in November.  Whatever restricts the ability of people to cast their vote, whether it is the corona-virus restrictions, or onerous voter identification laws, the campaign sees them as helping Mr. Trump win in 2020. 

So while we are all focused on the world pandemic, the Trump agenda is still moving forward.  Don’t miss it.

A Day in the Crisis

Track Meets

Got up early this morning – had to get a workout in before “online” school began.  I stepped outside to take the trash to the street.  It was cold, clear, with stars in the sky, and the hint of a much warmer day to come.  It was a “track meet” day in early April.  The kids would have to do more warm-up to get going for the early races in the cool, but it would heat up enough by finals to run fast, throw far and jump high.  I’m an old track coach:  it’s not too often I miss track meets to my core, but this morning it was a “track meet day”.   I went back into my elliptical machine and “Morning Joe”, back to our world of COVID-19 and desperate pleas from New York. 

There’s no track meet today, not here, not anywhere.


Desperate pleas might be the theme today.  The Captain of the aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt was fired yesterday.  Corona-virus was moving through his crew of 5000 sailors, and he was desperate to find a way to separate the infected from the well.  Obviously, his “chain of command” wasn’t responding to his requests, and he wrote an email to a wider spread of the Naval commanders. 

One of the first rules of military command structure, is don’t go out of your “chain”, and even more, don’t make your superior officers look bad.  But there’s another rule of command.  As Captain of the ship, you are fully and ultimately responsible for what happens.  You can’t push it onto a junior officer and you can’t share the blame.  Captain Crozier knew full well that his career was in jeopardy by pushing for a solution to the problem.  But he also knew full well the burden of command.  His sailors were more important to him than his career.  So he paid the price, and took care of the problem.

They gave him a standing ovation as he left the hanger deck.


Mayor Bill DeBlasio of New York is desperate.  He’s looking at the burgeoning crisis:  the hospitals are filling, the medical personnel are worn thin, and he only has enough ventilators to cover through Monday.  That’s this Monday, three days from now.  After that, medical personnel will have to begin choosing who gets to live and who gets to die.

DeBlasio is begging the military:  mobilize the military medical professionals and send them to New York.  The doctors, nurses, respiratory therapists tnere are overwhelmed, and tired.  Many are sick, and some are sick from the corona-virus they are constantly exposed to.  Some have gone from caregivers to care-needers.  And some have died.

They too cannot bear up for much longer without help.  

Oh Captain!!

The Mayor knows that his demands are going out of “the chain of command”.   Even if his oft-political rival the Governor joins him, the President is already on the record as saying New York “has enough”.  Mr. Trump was immediate in responding to New York Senator Schumer’s statement yesterday morning.  It’s like the President wants New York’s leaders to beg, and when they do, he still doesn’t respond.  

Governor Cuomo and Mayor DeBlasio don’t often agree, but on this issue they are on the same page.  We need a Federal “strike force”, a militarized medical team that can “fly” into the crisis with personnel, equipment, and experience.  They need them in New York today, and for the next couple weeks.  Then they’ll need them in other places, in Detroit and New Orleans, in Miami and in Texas.  They are needed to supplement the local caregivers, to take up the overload.

It’s not a job anyone would want, but it’s one that needs to be done.  And the need for it will occur over and over as the “waves” sweep over our nation.  It’s a desperate measure, but it’s a desperate time.

Some day it will be track meet weather again.  And some day we’ll get to run.  But right now, we ALL have to be together to fight this fight, not as a city or a state, but as a nation of one.  Send in the strike force.  Make this a national war against pandemic.  Mr. President, take command.

The Heart of the Matter

Here’s Don Henley – The Heart of the Matter


Right are wrong, the United States wasn’t ready for the corona-virus crisis.  We weren’t prepared to test, or isolate, or trace the contacts back to the source.  In December, January and February, when we could have made a difference in the national impact of the virus, we didn’t.

It’s not a matter of blame, at least not now when we are in the center of the storm.  Someday, probably in the fall, when we can go back and argue and fight each other, there will be plenty of time of establish blame, and more importantly, responsibility.  But now we need to do whatever we have to do to save lives, and prevent corona-virus from taking millions instead of hundreds of thousands.  We have to isolate everyone, and be socially-distant.  We need to stay home.  That is the only choice we have left to make.

But the argument over testing isn’t over.  We will need testing to get through the next crisis, the one we expect to hit after this initial fire has burned through our society.  Come September or October, it is likely that the virus will rise again.  We won’t have a vaccine yet, and while our hospitals will be far too familiar with treating the disease, we still won’t have a cure either.  

Test or Not

With testing, we can do what we couldn’t do in February and March.  We can find out who has it, and isolate them.  We can find out who had it before, and, assuming (only an assumption, not a fact) that they have immunity for some period of time, we can let them go out in society.  And we can protect the most vulnerable from getting this second round of infection.

Testing then, is the heart of the matter.  The ability to test for the virus, and for immunity to the virus, is vital to controlling round two, and maybe rounds three and four.  Absent a vaccine, testing is the only way we can control the virus, and get back to the lives we used to live before, when we thought of Corona as a Mexican beer with lime, not a possible death sentence.

But there are partisan politics still surrounding the resources needed for testing.  Sure we have to test, but so much is aimed at today’s treatment needs, modalities and possible vaccines.  And “testing” seems to equal “failure” in the minds of the Trump Administration.  They may be right, but it so much more important now then whether they did or didn’t do the right thing while they were laser focused on fending off impeachment and running for re-election.  So we, both Democrats and the President, should put blame on the shelf, for now, and test.


It’s already happening in the world.  South Korea “beat” the virus by intense testing and isolating.  Sweden is gambling that they can do the same, eschewing social distancing and closures, instead testing, tracing, and isolating both the sick and the vulnerable.  So far, so good, though they are a nation of “lab rat” test subjects.

Even here in the United States, isolated areas are trying to test their way out of the disease.  San Miguel County in Colorado, home to the city of Telluride and the extravagant ski resorts in Mountain Village; chased the skiers and the part time residents away.  Then they tested the rest, trying to keep the town safe by isolating the sick.  In their hidden valley surrounded by snow-covered mountains, maybe they can make it work.  But most of the nation doesn’t have the geographical advantages that controls access, and so can’t “hide” from contamination.

Test to Normalcy

Americans are dreaming of going back to normal.  They want to go to a bar, or a ballgame, or bowling.  Parents want their kids back in school (oh boy do they) and kids are thinking (to themselves) they want back in school as well.  We hear schools talk about “next fall” and football, as if everything will be “OK”.  But it won’t be, unless we find a way to test everyone, and control what’s happening.   

And from a purely political sense, we need testing to guarantee an election in November.  We need testing to determine whether we get to choose the next President of the United States, and who should control the House and the Senate and the state governments.  And since that now means who controls our basic survival, it is beyond important.  It is the heart of the matter.  We must test.

Stories from Lockdown

Buried in the Office

So I’ve been in the house for two whole days.  The farthest I got was the mailbox at the edge of the road.  And for the past few days, I’ve been trying my best to become an “online teacher”.  I’ve made four lectures on video, talking to myself and the computer about the geography of India, the beginnings of the Middle Ages, the industrialization and expansion of mid-19th century America and the Trail of Tears:  Hoo Boy!

The first rule of teaching is “know more than the kids”.  And I do know more than 6th, 7th, and 8th graders about the subjects (though ancient India is definitely pushing my boundaries).  I’ve taught “one chapter ahead” before, and I’ve taught all of this, somewhere along the way of thirty-six years of education.  But I have to admit, in a time when technology is the entire “game” for teachers; the kids probably have me beat.

Don’t Pick Your Nose on Computer

I can do I-Movies of “talks”, and I can find all sorts of videos online that emphasize the points I need to make.  I’ve got online notes, vocabulary, and I’m even learning how to do online tests.  Where I get hung up is with online communications.  My sixth graders (what, twelve years old?) are anxious to “zoom” with me.   That’s a video conferencing application for those who aren’t aware (I wasn’t until last week).  Old dog here, doing my best to learn new tricks.  But I’m not ready to “zoom” with a classroom full of kids…yet.

The hardest part:  my “teaching style” is direct interaction with students.  In the old days they called it the “Socratic” method, questions leading to more questions leading to the students discovering conclusions.  How do you do that with a bunch of faces in squares, each with a two second delay, and looking for all the world like the opening credits to the “Brady Bunch”?   

Online Teacher??

It’s purely a mischance that I’m teaching anything right now.  A teacher had her baby, and they needed a long-term substitute.  I thought it would be fun to get back in the classroom for a while, and help pay for a big trip in the fall.  So, before anyone knew anything about “social distancing” or “sheltering in place,” I signed up for the rest of the year.  

That was then, before the whole world literally fell apart. Now is now.  

But how is a school supposed to hire a substitute teacher to be “online”?  I was in place, and willing to try.  So here I am, at the same computer I’ve been talking to, swearing at, and worrying over all morning.  It’s been a long time since I’ve tried something new, and this is as new as it gets.  And we probably won’t be going on a trip in the fall, anyway.

Hair Cut

Speaking of doing something I haven’t tried in a while, it’s the first of the month.  Not that I’m too set in my ways, but the beginning of the month is the time for a haircut.  I’m not ready to grow back my old “fro” from the 1970’s (a guy with a gray “fro” looks silly) but there’s no social distance from a barber.  And besides, they’re all closed down.

So Amazon delivered the clippers yesterday, and, with assistance from Jenn on the back, I’ve got my haircut.  It looks OK today, if I do say so myself, but give it a couple of weeks and it will probably grow out an every odd direction.  The last time I gave myself a haircut, it was in 1976.  It was easy then, I took a pair of thinners and just drove it into the old “fro”, chopping out pieces to thin out the nest.  When I was done, I shook it all out, and nothing looked different.  So we’ll see how this turns out.


On the other hand, it’s mostly Jenn and the dogs that will get to see it anyway.  At least until we “zoom” sometime next week, I guess.  Then I’ll just keep the computer slightly out of focus.  Can’t you hear the back texts now:  what is up with that guy’s hair?  Was that on purpose?

Distance is the difficult thing today.  We are so distant from friends, family and neighbors: distant from folks who need a hug more than anything else in the world today.  Distant from showing up at the front door to help, or serving as in-house physical therapist.  It’s hard to hug through an email, or a phone call, or even a “zoom” conference.  

But it’s our life.  My favorite phrase this month is stolen from a Bobby Kennedy speech:  

“There’s an old Chinese curse, may you live in interesting times.  Like it or not, we live in interesting times.”

I had that hanging in my dorm room at college, post-Vietnam and Watergate, wearing the “fro” in interesting times.   Now that I’m cutting my own hair again, maybe it ought to go back up on the wall of my office.  We definitely are living in interesting times.

The Politics of COVID

Too Soon

It’s far too soon to think about politics.  In fact, in a nation “sheltering in place” with hopes of hiding from the corona-virus, it’s not even “on the table”.  Jobs, kids, family, and those who are at mortal risk from the disease are so much more important than the act of choosing the next President of the United States.  The election is in November: we don’t even know if will we even be allowed out of the house by then.

But make no mistake, politics is “on the table” at the White House.  The President who eschewed daily press contact, allowing the White House Press Room to remain empty and dust covered for over a year, now is on television every day.   He’s trying to read the statistics, telling us all what he’s doing “right”, and attacking the press for questioning his actions.  There’s no more rallies, no more “lock her up”; we now have the daily brief.  

Bully Pulpit

It took the “big four” networks a couple of weeks to realize what was going on.  But last week, when the President spoke for more than an hour and bled into the “Nightly News” timeslot, they decided to break away:  even Fox.   So now you can see the President on the twenty-four hour news channels, CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, PBS, CBS and ABC.  I haven’t checked out the others, but CNN and MSNBC are “fact checking” the President as he goes.  CNN literally does it as he speaks, running chyrons correcting his mistakes.  MSNBC brings in experts after he’s done, to straighten out the facts.

You can’t blame the President for using his “bully pulpit”.  And it’s hard not to watch, even if the President confabulates the facts, he still has Dr. Fauci and the others behind him.  They are telling the truth, both to Mr. Trump and the nation, and we want to know.

Changing Views

The President has made a significant change in his political calculations in the past few weeks.  When the crisis should have begun, back in December and January, Mr. Trump led the way in denying there was a concern.  Unlike countries like South Korea, Taiwan and Sweden, the United States didn’t engage in any kind of widespread testing for the virus.  Since we didn’t test, we couldn’t follow the traditional public health model of “contact tracing”, following the trail of illness back to the original source, and isolating the cases.

Did that happen because the Centers for Disease Control had a test that didn’t work?  Or was it because the United States refused the World Health Organization test?  We do know that Mr. Trump didn’t want to hear “numbers”.  In fact, he kept a cruise ship out in the Pacific for days, because if it landed, “his numbers” would go up.   There was a lot of political pressure on the health agencies NOT to test – in fact there still is today.  We still don’t know the extent of national exposure; doctors estimate that infection rates are at least ten times more than we acknowledge.

Someone Else’s Problem

So we didn’t test, and we couldn’t contain.  The fallback medical position is to “mitigate” the damage, to slow down the infection rate so that hospitals can have a chance to handle the surge.  That’s why we’re all “sheltering in place” now.  The essence of “fault” for that should be a major issue in the fall election campaign.

And when the crisis grew, the President seemed to “pass the buck” to the states.  It was the Governors and the Mayors that led the way in taking action against the virus, notably Mike DeWine of Ohio and Andrew Cuomo of New York.  And many other Governors have stood up and made the hard decisions for their states.  The problem:  the President’s reticence to take control has allowed a “free market” approach to apportioning health care items.  Masks, gloves, gowns, and most importantly, respirators for the health care workers, and ventilators for the victims:  all are out there for the highest bidder.

Governors are asking the President to take control of the supply process.  They are asking him to use the power of the Federal government to control interstate commerce, and ration healthcare items.  So far, Mr. Trump has chosen not to take action.

And some Governors are avoiding taking charge.  They are following the President’s lead in Florida, Missouri, and Texas; trying to avoid the problem by letting the local counties deal with a virus that doesn’t recognize political boundaries.  It seems that there are disasters looming in those states, in because of them, for our entire nation.

The New Slogan

And now the President has found a new, grisly campaign point.  “It could have been millions of dead, instead it’ll be a hundred thousand or so,” is his new slogan.  “ I saved lives”.  

That’s the image he’s building with his daily “briefings”.  And that’s the campaign slogan for 2020 – Trump Saved Lives.  

It’s too soon, too soon for campaigns.  But when we emerge from our homes to a new world of corona-virus contagion, we need to ask the question:  If the President had acted at once, how many lives could have been saved?

Respect and Admiration – Part Two

Another Press Rant

Watching President Trump’s daily press conference has become the huge point of frustration in my life. He ignores the facts and the science in order to pursue his own political agenda. It will cost human lives.  It’s hard to give him “credit” for the “good” he’s done, for every “good” there’s so much more that turns out bad.  Friday what stood out to me was his open narcissism. His message:  I’ll help Governors who are grateful for MY help, as if the American people aren’t the ones paying for it.

He’s only the President of those who are grateful to him, only willing to help those Americans who live in “Red States”. The pinpoint enforcement of the Defense Production Act against General Motors is simple payback for closing Lordstown, not a needed action.  It’s vindictive. His attack on the Democratic Governor of Michigan, Gretchen Whitmer (who commits two sins, a Democrat and a woman) is ugly and personal. Mr. Trump has abrogated his role as President of all of the United States.  You see it in his press briefing, and you read it in his twitter feed.

From a political standpoint, I was shocked that Mr. Trump’s approval rating reached the highest point of his Presidency, 50%.  Nate Silver, pollster of “538” and the one guy who got the 2016 election right, analyzed the numbers.  Silver’s view is that Americans are looking for a unifying figure in this corona-virus crisis, and “want” to support the President.  That doesn’t mean they’ll vote for him; in Biden versus Trump polling, Biden is still winning by 7% or more.

I was looking back at the Presidential terms I’ve lived through, trying to find which Presidents I’ve respected and admired, and why.  I left off on Jimmy Carter.  Here’s part two of Respect and Admiration.


We elected an actor and cowboy as President in 1980.  It was all right that California picked him as their Republican Governor (boy, have times changed) after all, they’re California.  But the entire nation selected him over a hamstrung Jimmy Carter, trapped in the White House by the Iran hostages.

When “progressive” Democrats say today that we have to nominate an extreme progressive rather than a moderate, they point to the 1980 election.  Jimmy Carter was a moderate. Reagan, a smoothed over Hollywood version of Barry Goldwater, confronted him, and Carter was crushed.  Progressives claim we need to do the same in 2020.

Changing the Course

Reagan brought his extreme brand of conservatism to the White House, trying to alter the steady course of American government since Franklin Roosevelt.  In his first years, he crushed unions by destroying the Air Traffic Controllers, he “freed” education from Federal control by cutting billions of education dollars, and he followed the 1920’s Republican philosophy:  what’s good for business is good for America.

And, in a foreshadowing of today’s crisis, when AIDS appeared in the gay community, he ignored it.  It took the death of hundreds of thousands, including children and “straight” celebrities, for the Reagan administration to begin to act.  That delay allowed the disease to infiltrate the US population:  ultimately 700000 Americans died.  All because being “gay” was against the Reagan political view.

But Reagan was able to “act” the part of President, perhaps better than any.  When the space shuttle Challenger exploded on launch, it was Reagan who spoke the words written by Peggy Noonan, quoting the World War I poem:  “…they reached out, and touched the face of God”.  And Reagan traded dollars for blood, driving the Soviet Union into bankruptcy with the Cold War arms competition.  In the end, the US debt quadrupled, but we never had the nuclear war that our generation expected.  You have to respect that.

Bush One

Reagan was Hollywood’s President:  Bush was a traditional Republican.  He acted like one, running the country like an Eisenhower or a Nixon (without the war and the corruption).  Perhaps he was just in the right time, the Cold War was over, but Bush managed the ensuing unrest that came after.  He was a President with a “light” touch.

He came to the rescue of Kuwait, and the world’s oil resources, with the Persian Gulf War.  It was a war of American precision, carefully orchestrated with a huge alliance of nations in support.  And it was a “win” against a far outmatched opponent, the Iraq of Saddam Hussein.  We got ahead, and we quit, deciding not to destabilize the region by removing Hussein from power.  It was a lesson a son should have learned.

Bill Clinton

In a world where the President didn’t seem quite as important, Bill Clinton gained the Presidency with 43% of the popular vote in 1992.  Clinton was a moderate, so much so, that he seemed to be Republican-lite.  The old liberals of the Democratic Party swallowed hard to accept another Southern Governor as President, but, like Eisenhower, Clinton seemed to be a candidate less likely to “rock the boat”.  That was particularly apparent when compared to the third competitor in the field, Ross Perot, who promised short-term economic pain and suffering to wipe out the national debt.

Clinton governed from the middle, making him a very popular guy.  When Bob Dole ran as the Republican in 1996, Clinton took the broad political spectrum.  Dole was only able to win over the right.  So eight years of Clinton was eight years of moderation, with a healthy dose of personal irresponsibility.  It was Bill Clinton that created the division between “personal” and “professional” conduct that paved the path for Donald Trump’s election despite immorality.  Americans were getting what they wanted from the Clinton Presidency, so what if Bill was getting “something else” in the Oval Office.

But there was a price to pay for the Clinton impeachment.  The voters couldn’t vote against Clinton in 2000, but they could vote against Al Gore in protest.  The price America paid was George W Bush.

George W

So what happens when a nice guy, a guy you’d have a beer with at the local bar, becomes the President of the United States.  It all depends on the people around him, and George W Bush specifically rejected the advisors that carefully steered his father’s Presidency.  Instead, he became the “front-man” for Vice President Dick Cheney and the neo-cons, Americans who practiced a new version of manifest destiny.  Cheney believed the US had power and should control the world economy.  If it took military might to do it, so be it.

You have to respect Bush’s leadership.  His actions after the attack on 9-11 helped unify the nation.  Even this liberal Democrat was ready to do whatever needed to be done, when President Bush put his arm around the firefighters at Ground Zero and said: “I can hear you! I can hear you! The rest of the world hears you! And the people — and the people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us soon!”

But more importantly, later that week the President went into a mosque and spoke of his admiration for Islam.  He let Americans know that we were at war with terrorists, not with a religion.

But Cheney subverted the righteous anger of 9-11 to pursue his economic agenda, and manipulated the intelligence data to put the United States at war in Iraq.  The fall of Saddam Hussein was hailed as a victory, but it really “took the cork out of the bottle” of the Middle East, leading to the rise of Iranian power and the disorder we see today.


When the history is written, Barack Obama will be much more than just the first Black President.  He will be seen as the President who, against his will, presiding over the segmenting of America.  He isn’t the first President to come in with an opposition party, but he may be the first to have an opposition party who believed that their ONLY goal was to defeat him.  For the Republican leadership, what was good for America was a poor second choice.

Whether it was ideology, racism, or money, or a combination of all, it was difficult for President Obama to govern.  He still did it with grace and honor.  Not since Kennedy was there a President who could lift Americans so high with his words. But many refused to listen, as money and media drove wedge after wedge into our minds.  Barack Obama was the President who passed the Affordable Care Act and killed Osama bin Laden, but Roger Ailes ran Fox News with a free hand and an unlimited bank account from Rupert Murdock.  That may be the most significant event of the Obama Presidency.


It certainly brought us to today.

I long for the language of Kennedy and Obama, or even Reagan.   Long for the leadership of Eisenhower or Johnson, or even Nixon.  I hope for the moral rightness of Carter, or Ford, or George HW Bush.   Even wish for the “good times” of Bill Clinton’s tenure.  

In this existential crisis caused by our current President’s malfeasance, a crisis that will unnecessarily cost thousands, perhaps millions of American lives, none of that is possible.  But, we are Americans, and we will struggle through.  What remains of the  “hated Deep State” in our government will try to do what’s right, even though the Administration will fight to do what’s wrong. 

In our current crisis, we talk a lot about lines and arcs, flattening the curve to protect our most vulnerable.  And in our national story, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. used arcs to describe our history.  He said, “The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice”.

I still believe in American exceptionalism and American justice. America has the ability to rise above any crisis, even one led by our own President.  We will survive, and we will learn from our mistakes.  It is not only what we must do.  

 It is all that we can do.

Respect and Admiration

Respect and Admiration 

(This is an essay where I found too much to say – so this is part one)

Last Night

I watched the President’s press briefing last night, and found myself angry and frustrated.  In the most basic terms, I feel like the President is willing to let Americans die so he can get the “economy” going again.  To me, those words are code for his desire to be re-elected, with his popularity tied so closely to the Dow Jones Industrial Average.  It’s not about what’s good for America; it’s about what good for Trump 2020.

I know my friends who support the President will call this out.  They will say I’m coming from a “place” of hate; that I can’t accept that maybe Mr. Trump is right, and all of those scientists are wrong.  Or worse, they will try to convince me that the “damage”, the numbers of deaths opening up the economy would create, is worth it.  As Dan Patrick, the Lieutenant Governor of Texas said, speaking for all those at-risk seniors, “…Let’s be smart about it, and those of us who are 70-plus, we’ll take care of ourselves”.  

So I need to take a moment, and look back at how I view the twelve Presidents that have served in my lifetime.  Some I know more by history then by actual experience, but for most, I know how I felt then, and what I think about them now.  So for the next two essays, here’s what I think, and what I felt about those men.


I was born in 1956, so Dwight Eisenhower is only a vague memory for me.  There was a campaign song that my parents’ friends sang about me running in the 1960 Presidential campaign, “…vote, vote, vote for Martin Dahlman, throw old ‘Ikey’ down the sink…” I know now, most of those friends were Democrats.  

And I remember that my Mom didn’t like Eisenhower on a personal level.  During World War II she encountered him entering Allied Headquarters in London.  She was a “spy”, part of the Special Operations Executive (SOE) with the brevet rank of Lieutenant Colonel.  SOE had makeshift uniforms at best, considering most of their time was spent undercover in enemy territory, but Eisenhower decided that Mom’s wasn’t “sufficient”, and commented on it.  I remember my Mom saying she told the Supreme Commander that she wasn’t part of HIS American Army, and ending the conversation.

But looking back at Eisenhower he lived up to his “moderate Republican” label.  He led the American post-war boom, in industry and wealth as well as babies.  He kept America out of nuclear war, controlling his old friends in the Defense Department who wanted to flex their new atomic muscles.  And Ike recognized the danger of the military-industrial complex, driving foreign interventions for economic gains.  So on a whole, he did OK, regardless of his conflicts with Mom.

Let the Word Go Forth

John Kennedy was a young, dynamic leader who offered America new energy and goals.  I was still very young, but I wore my Kennedy button proudly.  Mom was connected to the Kennedy’s too, having had his sister as a roommate in boarding school, but it was the excitement he generated that drew many to his standard.

And looking back at Kennedy, he did uplift Americans, starting with his inaugural address challenging:  “…ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.”  He set standards and goals, and showed strength under fire, getting us through the Cuban missile crisis.  The tragedy of his death is still seared in what was my seven-year-old mind.  The whole afternoon of November 22 is still available, a play-by-play in my memory.


Johnson memories are clearer.  From his swearing in on Air Force One, to hearing him speak at the Montgomery County Fairgrounds in Dayton, I saw Johnson as carrying on the goals set by JFK.  Johnson was the Southern politician who championed civil rights, and began the “War on Poverty” to change America.  And he defeated Barry Goldwater in 1964, a man who seemed willing to go to war without provocation.

But Johnson too was at war, and I entered adolescence submerged in Vietnam.  By 1968 I came to support those who were against the war, and therefore against the President.  The core of my political interests and values were established watching the 1968 Democratic Convention in Chicago, the disastrous police generated riots in the streets and parks.  I was trapped on a couch in front of the TV, a newly broken arm propped up on a box, and horrified that the leaders I supported were being shut up and shut down by brute political and police force.

What Are We Fighting For

Nixon won the election.  They announced it over the Van Buren Junior High public address system.  I put my head on the desk, as my classmates whooped and clapped.  And while Nixon, like Eisenhower, was a moderate Republican, even putting wage and price controls on the nation; it was Vietnam that defined his Presidency.  His “peace plan” from the 1968 campaign seemed to be “fight the war forever”.  We marched in the streets, and nominated McGovern in 1972 to end the war. McGovern lost.

Watergate subsumed my junior and senior years of high school.  I knew it all, the name of the security guard who found the “taped” door (Frank Wills) and the lawyer who led the “dirty tricks” campaign (Don Segretti).  I wrote Nixon jokes on the chalkboard at school, much to the outrage of my government teacher, Mr. Wagner.   With pride, I served an in-school suspension for my offense.

Nixon was the first President I couldn’t find a way to respect.  He was a liar, in public, and we knew it then.  He lied “to our face” and expected Americans to believe him.  We didn’t, and ultimately the rest of the nation didn’t either.

A Young Politician

Gerald Ford was nowhere near as “dumb” as Nixon made him out to be.  He led the nation from “the long national nightmare,” and while I didn’t agree with his politics, I respected him as a leader.  But I worked hard for his opponent, Jimmy Carter in 1976.  It was my first taste of professional campaigning, and one hundred hours a week wasn’t enough.  I remember walking though Fountain Square in downtown Cincinnati on the morning after “we” won the election, knowing how narrow the outcome was.  Carter won Ohio by 10,000 votes; I could take credit for at least some of them.

I have the utmost respect for Jimmy Carter.  He, like Ford, was a standup man, a leader without the narcissistic flaws of either Nixon or Johnson.  He was a “good” man, but he didn’t know how to navigate the pitfalls of Washington politics.  That kept him from achieving his goals. He was a moderate Democrat in a party shaped by the radicalism of the anti-Vietnam effort.  He got elected, but he didn’t fit in with his own “team”.  

Honorable Man

Off the subject, Jimmy Carter has led an incredibly fulfilling life after his Presidency. And by the way, it really is “Jimmy”.  That’s what he told me, a twenty-year old kid working on his campaign when I called him “Governor Carter.” And as a former (junior) campaign staffer, I stayed connected to the Carter Foundation and all the great work being done.  It’s not just ending childhood blindness in Africa (trachoma), or building homes in poor American neighborhoods (Habitat for Humanity).  President Carter has personally overseen elections throughout the world, helping to bring democracy in places that never had a say before. 

He stands up for what he believes, even now at ninety-five years old.  While his Presidency got entangled in internal partisan politics, his life after he left the White House is full of even greater achievements. 

He is a man to respect, unlike our current leader.

(Next essay – the rest)

Our New Political Reality

Sausage Update

Sausage Update:  Late Wednesday night, the Senate passed the $2.2 trillion aid package.  The final hitch in the process was a small group of Republican Senators, led by Lindsey Graham, who complained that some workers on extended unemployment might make actually make more money than they would at work.  They would be “dis-incentivized to work,” they said.  But ultimately the bill passed by unanimous consent.

Speaker Pelosi signed onto the bill.  It will pass the House on Friday by voice vote.  No one will call the roll, nor will anyone even call for a quorum.  Most House members are back in their districts, and they’re not coming back. Unanimous consent will put the bill on the President’s desk.  The sausage is made, with all sides getting things they wanted, and accepting things they don’t.

Back to Politics

Don’t tell anyone, but the United States is in the middle of a Presidential election.  It’s been going on for over a year, and while it seemed to “go away” during the Presidential impeachment, and now again in the corona-virus crisis, it’s still out there.  Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden are still contesting for the Democratic nomination, though Biden seems to have an insurmountable delegate lead.  The nominating convention is in July, and unlike the Olympic Summer Games, it can’t be put off until 2021.  If we’re still “socially distancing” by then, Democrats (and Republicans later) will need to find a wholly different way to choose their candidate.

Biden and Sanders are faced with a quandary, one that I’m growing familiar with as well.  As a (substitute) teacher for the remainder of the school year, I am trying to find strategies and techniques to teach a class I can’t meet, have a face-to-face discussion, or even touch.  I know that sounds weird, but part of keeping 7th grade boys on task is as simple as teaching from right beside their chair, and casually tapping them on the shoulder to bring them back to focus.  I can’t reach through their computer screen and do that.

Old Dogs, New Tricks

So I’m learning new techniques and different ways to catch and keep my middle school students’ attention.  It’s about “old dogs” learning new tricks. 

And there’s no question that Biden and Sanders are “old dogs”.  They are tactile campaigners (and no, I’m not accusing either of anything improper).  Biden and Sanders gain energy from their supporters; they are excited about shaking hands and holding babies.  Their “power” is personal as well as political.  And that’s been shorn from this campaign.  Now all they can do is find new ways to reach out, to make a dent in the electorate.  And it’s even harder to do when the entire nation is focused on something else.

President Trump has a similar problem.  He has two main communication techniques:  the rally and the tweet.  And now the rally is gone:  there will be no more “lock her up” chants for the foreseeable future. His tweets are still effective, he’s gone back to attacking his favorite enemy, CNN.  “…They are CORRUPT & FAKE NEWS” he says, talking about reporting of him isolated in the White House wondering, “when life will return to normal”.   Of course he is.

But tweets have never energized his base and his campaign; it’s been the face-to-face contact, the rallies.  So he’s tried a new technique.  Trump’s dusted off the old James S. Brady Press Briefing Room, the place where Sean Spicer and Sarah Huckabee Sanders met their ultimate demise.  It’s where he drags out his “crisis team,” Vice President Pence, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Dr. Deborah Birx and a cast of other assorted members.  Those folks stand (way, way too close together by the way) as the President’s backdrop for his new technique – the press briefing rant.

National Attention

In 2015 when Donald Trump was considered a joke as a Presidential candidate, he was desperate for airtime on national “news” programs.  He managed to get more free time by calling into television shows like Fox and Friends and Morning Joe (on MSNBC) then all the other candidates combined.  His hours of on-air phone conversations seemed to legitimize his candidacy, and led him to become a “real” candidate for President.

In 2020 President Trump has found a new way to captivate the nation.  The corona-virus crisis has given him center stage on daily national press conferences.  There he gets to tell how “smart” he was to stop travel from China, and how much he’s helping the state governors.  He then gets to attack his favorite enemy, sitting there in front of him, the press.  And he gets to do it all on uncontested national television, in an arena where anyone who contradicts his message can be “slain” by his cutting remark: “that’s a nasty question” or “you’re a lousy reporter”.

National news organizations are well aware of the trap they fell into in 2015.  And they know what’s going on now.  NBC, ABC and CBS cut away from the President when he strayed past 6:30pm, into their national newscasts.  So now the President talks until 6:30, then lumbers off the stage leaving Pence and the rest to continue on the 24-hour news channels.

What Campaign

There’s little Biden (or Sanders) can do to compete with Trump at this point.  They can focus on online media, and the constant flow of emails to registered Democrats.  And they can try to contrast their “normal” approach to national crisis to this President’s.  But all of that doesn’t give them the opportunity of the national audience Trump is able to grab.

In a nation “sheltering in place” it’s hard to imagine what a general Presidential election will look like.  But with our current crisis, it’s also hard to see how we will “return to normal”.  We are not only changing our lifestyles in education, but in politics as well.  All the “old dogs” will have to find new ways to campaign.  And all us voters may have to find as new way to vote.

How the Sausage Gets Made

No one else was in the room where it happened, the room where it happened, the room where it happened.  No one really knows how the game is played, the art of the trade, how the sausage gets made. We just assume that it happens.  But no one else is in the room where it happens.

Lyrics from “In the Room Where it Happened” from Hamilton – The Musical

Two Trillion

Two trillion dollars:  it was only thirty-four years ago that $2 trillion was the total amount the US government debt (today, the amount is approaching $23 trillion).  Today the US Senate is debating corona-virus aid legislation that will add two trillion dollars to the US economy, and to the debt of the United States.  

Or to look at it another way, the total budget for the US government in 2019 was $4.45 trillion.  This week, they plan to spend almost half of that again.

So it’s a lot of money.  Republicans and Democrats don’t agree on much, but at least that’s one thing they all acknowledge.  When the government spends that much money, all at one time, we shouldn’t be surprised that all of the ideas, principles, dreams and bêtes noire of both parties comes out, in spades.  And they’re doing it under extreme pressure, as the country faces an existential crisis as large as World War II and the Great Depression combined.

Watching the Process

And the rest of America, many “sheltering in place” in their homes, has little else to do but watch.  There’s nothing that will ruin the taste of sausage more, then to watch how it is made.  But we’re seeing it, because we’re all “in the room where it happened”.

I use Facebook to see what the “other side” is saying.  Someone somewhere, maybe Brad Parscale in the Trump Campaign, maybe a Russian intelligence agent in St. Petersburg, maybe Mr. Trump’s 400-pound man in his parents’ basement, makes meme after meme attacking Democrats.  

  • The Democrats are keeping you from getting paid (not true)
  • They are trying to pay for abortions  (some elements of truth) 
  • They are pushing the Green New Deal (true for solar energy tax incentives)
  • 47 Democrats in the House don’t care about you (it’s 47 in the Senate not the House)
  • Drunk Nancy Pelosi is holding up help for you  (it’s the Senate, not the House again – and she’s not drunk).

The Democratic side is pushing their view, but not quite with the same Facebook presence.  Dems are demanding that aid to big corporations have “strings attached” so that the stock buybacks and management salary expansions of 2009 doesn’t happen again.  And Democrats are demanding more power for labor unions, longer extensions of unemployment compensation, and that the “cash handout” to low income Americans not get smaller the less money they make (that was in the original proposal).

Under Pressure

You can feel the pressure – and it really is all about two issues.  The first is direct payments.  Americans heard that if you make less than $75000 ($150000 for a couple) the Government will give you a $1200 check, plus $500 per child.  If you make more than $99000 it’s none (rumor is that will be based on your 2018 tax return).

While the Labor Department has moved to hide unemployment figures, telling states they cannot release the number of unemployment applications filed, it’s clear that there are at least ten times more people unemployed today than a month ago.  The Trump Economy that was his one clear way to win the White House with 3% unemployed is likely to hit 12% or more this month.  People need to cash to pay bills, to eat, and the overwhelming number of applications has bogged the system down.  If they can’t get unemployment compensation, the check “in the mail” may save them.

So that’s created immense pressure on the Congress to “make the sausage”. 

The second area is in what is happening to small business.  Big corporations can “bridge” the loss of income as the economy virtually shuts down.  The Federal Reserve has cut interest rates to zero creating money for the taking.  But for small businesses, the corner restaurant and bar, the local jewelry store, and the second hand furniture store; there’s not enough equity for a normal loan.  Small business needs help to survive, to pay the rent, and to protect the employees they still have (though many have already been laid off).  

The Small Business Administration can offer loans that ultimately will be forgiven to allow those businesses to survive.  That’s in the “bill” and those business owners know it, need it, and want to have it NOW.

Close Your Eyes and Eat

Americans are pressing for action, and many are watching the Congress play-by-play.  

But the sausage isn’t “made” until the final votes are taken.  This is just the Senate bill; the House of Representatives will still want to have their say as well.  And then both House and Senate will need to vote on a final bill again.

And the President will need to sign it into law.  Since his Treasury Secretary has been the prime negotiator in the Senate, it would make sense that with his sign-off, the President will too.  But making sense has not been the hallmark of the Trump Administration.  

It won’t be today, but maybe by Monday – and then the sausage might be ready for the tasting.  Close your eyes and eat.

Provisions of the Senate Bill

as of 3/24/20 (AM) CBS

  • Direct payments of $1,200 to most individuals making up to $75,000, or $2,400 for couples making up to $150,000. The amount decreases for individuals with incomes above $75,000, and payments cut off for those above $99,000.
  • Expanded unemployment benefits that boost the maximum benefit by $600 per week and provides laid-off workers their full pay for four months
  • $367 billion in loans for small businesses
  • $150 billion for state and local governments
  • $130 billion for hospitals
  • $500 billion in loans for larger industries, including airlines
  • Creation of an oversight board and inspector general to oversee loans to large companies
  • Measure prohibiting companies owned by President Trump and his family from receiving federal relief

Winning the Dow Jones

Dow Jones

The Dow Jones finished at 29398 on Friday, February 14th.  It closed on Monday, March 23rd at 18591.  That’s a loss of 37% of the entire market value in a little over a month.  In very simple terms, if you had $10000 in the market on Valentine’s Day, it’s probably worth about $6300 today (DJI).

Donald Trump has based the success of his Presidency on the health of the economy.  The thermometer he uses to determine that is the Dow Jones Industrial Average of the New York Stock Exchange.  In his rallies he’s flat out said it:  “you don’t have a choice, you have to vote for me, because your 401(k)’s down the tubes, everything’s gonna be down the tubes” (The Hill). 

He wasn’t ready for the corona-virus crisis shutting down the American economy.  He isn’t ready for the sacrifices the crisis is demanding of him, and of the nation.  And he doesn’t know how to win the Presidency without “winning” the Dow Jones.  He can’t win if your 401(k) is already “down the tubes”.

The Epidemic

The hard facts of the corona-virus epidemic are that 40% of Americans will get the virus.  That is close to 130 million people.  80% or more, 102 million people, will get it and recover without a lot of problems.  Americans don’t need to  “socially distance” for them.  To parrot the current Facebook disinformation campaign, for them, it’s just like “the flu”.  The crisis is in the 20% who will get so sick they will need hospitalization.  If those 26 million people hit hospitals all near the same time, there is no possible way our healthcare system can care for them. 

The fatality rate of corona-virus seems to be somewhere under 4%.  Even if only one percent of Americans that get the disease die, that means 1.3 million people.  But if they all arrive at the hospital at the same time, then the fatality rate will be much higher.  Many, many more will die.  They will die for the worst reasons:  from lack of equipment, lack of care, and lack of medications.  They will die unnecessarily.  

To protect those millions, the scientists have told Americans to stop interacting with each other.  If we stay apart, we can slow the spread of the virus.  The number of people who will contract corona-virus may not change, but it will happen over a much longer period of time.  By doing this, the surge of patients in hospitals will be lower.  For those who get the sickest, they will have the best chance of getting care and surviving.  The scientists call it “social distancing” in order to “flatten the curve”.  

Waiting for the Curve

But flattening the curve means extending the time we are socially distant. That means that the economy of the United States will need to stay “closed” for a longer period.  It means that the Donald Trump’s chosen measure of political health, the Dow Jones, will stay bad.  It threatens his reelection.  And he can’t stand it.

Monday, in his daily news brief/political rant, President Trump voiced his impatience:

We cannot let the cure be worse that the problem itself.  At the end of the 15 day period, we will make a decision as to which way we want to go!” (Fox).

He can hold on for fifteen days, but after that, he wants the economy to start up again.  Regardless of the scientific evidence that shows that the nation may need to stay “closed” longer, maybe even months, President Trump wants to get “back to normal”. That’s a real choice:  the Dow Jones can go up right along with the death rate.  It’s a tradeoff, politics for bodies.

The Sacrifice

Trump’s far right supporters are chiming in, pressing the President to let this happen.  Monday night, Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick spoke on the house organ, Fox News:

“Tucker, no one reached out to me and said, ‘As a senior citizen, are you willing to take a chance on your survival in exchange for keeping the America that all America loves for your children and grandchildren?’ And if that’s the exchange, I’m all in,” Patrick said, later adding, “My message is, let’s get back to work. Let’s get back to living. Let’s be smart about it, and those of us who are 70-plus, we’ll take care of ourselves”(AOL).

Patrick is volunteering to risk his life, and millions of others, to hurry things along.  That’ll fix the Dow Jones, and maybe, get Trump re-elected President again with just a few more (million) deaths along the way.

It’s not a joke, and it’s not an extremist view.  This is the advice that the President is hearing from his internal economic advisors, and it fits right in with what he wants to do, his infamous “gut”.  

Is this America now?  Let’s throw a few million people under the bus, so we get the Dow Jones back up again, and re-elect Trump.

Let’s hope not.

What about the Vote?

Election Day – 1944 Norman Rockwell


Governor Mike DeWine of Ohio cancelled the Ohio primary on March 17th, literally at the last minute.  The voting machines were already at the polling places and the ballots were put out.  Eight hours before the polls were to open, he went to Court to stop the election, and lost.  The Judge ordered the election to continue, asking the important question:  “if not now, then when?” A couple of hours after that, DeWine and the State Director of Public Health used their power to declare a health emergency and shut the voting down.

As a Democrat, waiting to finalize the nomination process, I voted early on the Sunday before the election.  My vote has been cast, but not counted, waiting on same day voting to begin.  There are probably millions of votes sitting in the eighty-eight County Board of Elections in Ohio, absentees and early voters.  

I absolutely supported the Governor on his decision.  With the corona-virus crisis, asking folks to line up to vote would be dangerous.  And asking poll workers, many of them in the “high risk” age category, to sit and converse with thousands of random voters would be unconscionable.   But now we are faced with a problem.  The corona-virus crisis is not a hurricane that will blow through and be over.  It’s not a wildfire that will quickly destroy and move on.  It’s not an earthquake with predictable after-shocks that dwindle away.


It now looks like the “description” of the corona-virus epidemic is a series of waves.  How this first most dangerous wave hits is the crisis of the moment.  It may or may not overwhelm the American healthcare system, and thousands, maybe millions, may die from lack of appropriate care.  We are going to know in the next month or so, how bad that first surge will be.

But now they predict that there will be a resurgence of the virus sometime later on, a secondary wave, not as terrible, but still requiring closings and social distancing.  And if that second wave hits in October nearing November, what will DeWine, Ohio and the rest of the nation do about the general election; the Presidential election?

As the judge might say, “If not then, then when?”

Experiments in Government

As I was putting out the flood-damaged trash this morning, I ended up in a discussion with a neighbor about the difference between a democracy and a Republic (yes, this neighborhood can be strange).  That difference has been used to justify many un-democratic actions in America, from racial and partisan gerrymandering to the Electoral College.  But one of the good things about our Federal system, fifty sovereign states in one sovereign nation, is that there can be fifty laboratories in government.  

Colorado led the way in legalizing marijuana.  Montana decided that the vast distances of their state required virtually unlimited speed limits.  Michigan used to have an eighteen-year-old drinking age when I was in college (there’s a long story about a road trip, sloe-gin and horse back-riding there somewhere).  California set higher pollution standards creating a “California gas” different from the rest of the nation.  Nebraska has a one-chamber legislature.  We are a nation of fifty different experiments, all in search of their unique way of fulfilling the American “promise”.

Our Solution

So the solution to our voting problem has already been created.  There is already a state where there are no lines, no polling stations, no direct contact with poll workers are other voters.  In Oregon you register and vote by mail (Oregon).  And Oregon is consistently in the top ten states for voter turnout.  Seeing the success of the Oregon effort, Washington and Colorado have already copied the process.

Norman Rockwell was the great painter who documented Americana in the mid-twentieth century.  It is “American” for neighbors to lineup at their local school, or church, or firehouse and vote for their government representatives.  It is the right suffragettes were named for, and that Martin Luther King marched for.  Going to the polls and casting your ballot is as American as – you know – Norman Rockwell.  

But we’re now living in an America where, at least temporarily, lining up to vote risks lives.  We are asking our most at risk citizens, the elderly and the immune-compromised, to choose between exercising their right to vote, and their keeping right to remain healthy.

Yes, Ohio already has “unlimited” absentee ballots.  Anyone can ask, and receive that ballot, and mail it back in.  So let’s go the rest of the way.  Instead of having to ask for an absentee ballot, let’s just send everyone an absentee ballot.  Then they can be mailed in, and we can vote.  Everyone is included, everyone has a say, and everyone can stay healthy. Oregon, Colorado and Washington are already showing us the way.

It answers the question:  If not now, then when?

I cannot in all good conscience steal a line without attribution – especially from one of my favorite balladeers –Tracy Chapman – If Not Now

Plagues and Floods

Moses or Camus

It sounds Biblical:  the same forces that led Pharaoh to “let my people free”.  We already are living under the “plague”:  waiting for the real impact of Corona-Virus, the surge of serious illness that may well overwhelm our healthcare systems.  Americans are used to disasters that happen NOW:  hurricanes and tornados, terrorist attacks, fires and earthquakes.  We don’t wait well.

Waiting for the “graphs” and “curves” to come to pass.  Will we peak like Italy, with all of that unbelievable death, or will we flatten (and lengthen, they don’t talk much about that part), so that we don’t overwhelm our hospitals?  We distance ourselves from each other, hope, and wait.

It’s Biblical, apocalyptic, something out of an existential expressionist novel of the 1950’s. If only we could sit around a seedy bar and talk about it, in black and white of course.  But then we wouldn’t be “social distancing,” and anyway, the bars are closed.  I remember reading in college, a “long hair” with torn jeans and flannel shirt, thinking deeply about the absurdity of trying to control the uncontrollable.  In the 1970’s we thought we could “control” almost anything. Existentialism’s ideas then seemed out-of-date and historic. 

So floods are almost like a welcome relief.  Flooding requires movement, problem solving, and action.  They too are inexorable and uncontrollable, but at least there is a visible “foe” to attack.  Flooding is a “normal” disaster.  Americans can deal with that.

All of this is because it flooded here in Pataskala this weekend.  

City Planning

Pataskala is that little farm village that grew.  “City planning” wasn’t really a part of the growth process.  When you talk to the government, they say the drainage system for what now is the city was built on the flat farm fields of Ohio a century ago.  It was probably later for our neighborhood. The first round of development just outside the village occurred about seventy years ago, when the old Van Atta farm, just beyond Vine Street, was one of the first housing additions.  That’s where I live now.

So the developers built storm drainage out of big red clay twelve-inch tiles, laying them across the fields and hooking up to the century old existing village system that went to the river.  No one at the time thought about easements and right-of ways.  They were burying tile in fields, just like the farmers did.

When more developers “filled in” the middle, building in those remaining fields between town and Van Atta, no one worried about the storm sewers running below their houses.  They built right on top of them.  Tiles were everywhere in the old fields, some worked, some didn’t.

Clay Tile

Clay tile is a lot more durable then you’d think.  With all of the houses built, the seventy-year old storm drainage line struggled to handle the increasing volume of water.  A really heavy rain might flood the neighborhood, but give it a couple of hours, and the water would soon go down. It used to be a neighborhood joke, a nuisance.  Folks would bring out their rafts and kayaks and play.  But just recently, the water comes up, and it doesn’t go down nearly as fast.  In fact, it stays long enough for a second round of storms to drive water into basements, garages, and crawl spaces. 

In the thirty-eight I’ve lived in my house, built on a small rise above road level, the garage has never flooded.  Friday there were four inches and more, flooding the room and pouring into the crawl space under the house. It sounded like a waterfall.  The actual structure of the rest of the house is lifted about two feet above the garage level.  Yesterday, I had six inches left before water hit the joists, the electric wires, and came up through the hardwood floors.

What happened?

Cap the Tile

There is a newer house “in town” built directly over the storm sewer, the old clay tile line.  That tile started leaking, and the owner demanded that the city pay him damages for a flooded basement.  The city responded that the house was knowingly built on top of the line and they weren’t responsible.  The owner replied by cutting the line and capping it off.

So now there is no drainage from the old Van Atta farm.  The water flows down the clay tile towards the river – then it stops.  The “lakefront” property that used to be our occasional joke now faces serious ongoing damage.  That’s bad for me, and my house is NOT the lowest house on the street.

The city has a long-term solution.  They may not have an easement for the old clay tile lines, but they do own the roads. So, this summer, a brand new sewer line, big PVC pipe and concrete drop boxes; will be installed under the roads, replacing the seventy-year-old tile.  Instead of dropping money in nuisance lawsuits to defend old red clay, they are putting money towards a modern solution.  Then, if a pipe breaks, the city can dig up wherever it needs to.  It makes perfect sense.

And in the meantime, every time there’s a heavy rain, the City sends workers with a pump and water lines.  They hook at up to the old tile, and pump around the blocked off sewer line and back into the system.  It seems silly, but it’s the literal “work-around”.  The only problem:  water from a twelve-inch tile has to travel through a three-inch hose.  The whole drainage process is slowed way down.

Friday’s Deluge

It rained three inches in as many hours early Friday morning.  High winds accompanied the rain, lashing the houses and street.  Friday is trash-day; the dumpsters were knocked over, drifting down the street now river, spreading neat trash bags around the edges as the water lapped up against the houses.  The recycling bins are kept “loose”, no bags to organize the trash.  You could tell how far your stuff went by what kind of beer bottle ended up in the neighbor’s yard down the street.

I woke up at 6:00am to go grocery shopping. Kroger’s opened at 7:00am  (out of toilet paper at 7:05).  But when I saw the flood, and the garbage, I had to go find my dumpsters, and try to pick up my trash.  It was dark, but I had a “Gorton’s Fisherman” yellow coat on. A (deleted) pickup truck driver decided it’d be fun to soak me.  The neighborhood got an early morning shout-out of Dahlman profanity.

We were late responding to the crisis back at the house.  It took us a while to realize what was happening underneath in the crawl space.  But once we got it, we sandbagged the doors to the garage, and starting pumping the water back into the lake outside the door.  We used my little pump to empty the hot tub, and it took hours to get the water level to drop.  Meanwhile the water crept up in the crawl space, coming ever closer to the joists, the wires, and the floor.

Keeping Occupied

It took until late Friday afternoon to realize the flow was stopped, and the house wasn’t going to flood.  Saturday the garage was a mess, soaked, but the standing water was gone.  The crawl space still had a couple of feet of water, and there was still a lake all around the house.  But everything is slowly draining away.  The sump pumps under the house were hard at work, and I can still hear the city’s pump at work even now.

This is going to be a week for cleanup, when the water finally goes down.  They predict another two to three inches of rain is coming.  But one thing’s for sure – whatever Governor DeWine decides about “sheltering in place” they’ll be a lot to do at this place. I haven’t even looked in the shed at the back of the yard.

 So it’s time to stop writing and get to work.

War Presidents


Franklin Delano Roosevelt had lots of practice at being the national leader well before World War II.  He became President in 1933, at the depths of the Great Depression.  Unemployment was over twenty percent, most banks were closed, and the stock market hadn’t even begun to recover.  While entering a World War called for all of the strength of the “Bully Pulpit”, entering office in 1933 required more than just words.  

FDR had a plan, the New Deal.  He knew the nation needed to see action, federal action, and in the first one hundred days of his administration he created the “alphabet soup” that became what we know today as the federal bureaucracy. They included: National Recovery Administration (NRA), Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA), Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), Civil Works Administration (CWA), Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA), Home Owners Loan Corporation (HOLC) and the Federal Housing Administration (FHA).

He communicated through action, and he communicated directly to the people through his “Fireside Chats”.  FDR didn’t do it in 140 characters; he took time to explain and reassure Americans that their lives would be better.  His Administration exuded confidence and competence.  It’s a little like the press conferences Governor Cuomo of New York is doing now; talking about how people feel as well as the cold hard facts of the corona-virus pandemic and the actions needed to counter it.

The War

So when World War II came around, he had a strong staff, already used to taking the initiative and willing to take the lead in gearing the nation for War.  He had the confidence of the country, and when he told us that “…yesterday, December 7th, 1941, a day that shall live in infamy,” Americans lined up to join.  

When he needed an organizer to prepare his military, he found George Catlett Marshall, who managed Nimitz and MacArthur, Eisenhower and Patton to win the War. And when he needed a weapon, he found a single-minded son of a bitch, Major General Leslie Groves, who herded his scientists into developing a working atomic bomb.  


Abraham Lincoln was a War President.  He made it clear from before the first shots at Ft. Sumter that there was only one condition for ending the War, reaffirmation of the Union.  Slavery was not the issue, nor was “Northern aggression”.  Stay in the Union, and almost anything else was possible.  Leave the Union, and War was the only answer.

Lincoln made it clear that the Union was more important than even the law.  Ask the Maryland legislators who found themselves locked away without charges in Ft. McHenry, the same symbol of Star Spangled Banner fame.  It’s a little like Ohio’s Governor Mike DeWine, who knew that a statewide election would put Ohioans in greater danger.  So he cancelled the election, and when a court ordered it back on, he had his Director of Public Health declare it a public hazard, and shut it back down.

Lincoln had a “team of rivals” as his cabinet, competitive and absolutely competent.   But while it took him more than a year to begin to find that same competence in his military leadership, ultimately the people stood with him as he searched for General Grant.   It was his rhetoric, his language that spoke to the American people, raising them to a willingness to defend, serve, and become “…the brave men, living and dead, who struggled here…”

More than Words

We know what a “War President” looks like.  Even George W Bush found his place, as he stood at the side of first responders at “ground zero” and said, “I can hear you! I can hear you! The rest of the world hears you! And the people — and the people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us soon!”  Unfortunately he squandered that respect in an unnecessary War in Iraq.

A War President takes the lead.  He doesn’t equivocate about whether the state or federal government is in charge, or whether getting ventilator machines out to the crisis areas is some “mail clerk’s” job.  A War President uses the media to get out the information he needs people to have.  He doesn’t spend his time disparaging them for “nasty questions” or claims they are all “fake” news.

And a War President finds a Grant or a Marshall or a Groves to spearhead an American effort to deal with crisis.  Instead, this President put his Vice President in charge, and then steps in front of him to take credit for any positive results.  And finally, a War President recognizes that trust and truth are ultimately what creates confidence and a willingness to sacrifice, not made up results or untested cures.


Why should the kids on spring break in Florida believe what our government is saying?  Our current “War President” has spent three and a half years trying to convince them that the media constantly lies, while lying himself over 16,400 times since his inauguration.  How does anyone trust or depend on that?

When our President claims it’s like being in a War, what he really wants is the laurels of victory that come with being a War President.  What he doesn’t realize is that those laurels aren’t simply bestowed by the office and the situation.  They are won by the leader’s hard earned actions and earned respect.   That hasn’t happened.

By the way – as I write this — on top of everything else happening in the world, this morning’s storms have made my house “lakefront” property again!! Oh boy!


In Other News…

Shelter in Place

“Shelter in place” was a scary enough term when it we were dealing with mass shooters.  As a teacher, it meant huddle in the corner of a classroom, hope that the door didn’t open, and wait for help.  The concept sucked, as did the alternative “Alice” training.  Throwing Campbell’s soup cans at someone with an AR-15 (yep, I even know that means Armalite, not Automatic Rifle) just doesn’t seem like a fair fight.

But now it has a whole new meaning.  In other eras it was called house arrest or curfews, but now it means, “please, stay at home, so we don’t have to make the police force you to do it”.  It’s a kinder, gentler way of keeping folks in their houses.  And, of course, it’s the right thing to do in this corona-virus world – something I expect we will be doing here in Ohio soon.

An After Thought

By the way, Joe Biden won three elections last night.  He gained a 289 delegate lead in the race to the nomination over Bernie Sanders, 1153 to 861.  Biden won Florida 62% to 23%, Illinois 59% to 36%, and Arizona 44% to 32%.  If Ohio had voted he would have won there as well.

But with social distancing, sheltering in place, and cleanliness guidelines, how will the remaining half of the states manage to hold primary elections?  Big states are still in play:  New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio (re-run) and Wisconsin among them.  And if they can’t find a way to vote, what does that say for the November election.  The “wave theory” of corona-virus says there will be this first onslaught, then a pause.  Scientists then predict a second “wave” will hit sometime in the fall, when the social distancing rules may need to be applied again.  

A friend strenuously objected to Ohio’s postponing the election yesterday, saying that we must protect the right to vote at all costs, even in this health crisis.  He had a point:  if there’s a health crisis in November will there be some attempt to postpone the Presidential election?  It would be hard for me to  “shelter in place” if that happened.

Of course there are alternatives.  Oregon and Washington vote by mail: no physical contact or polling places needed. Even those who forget to send their ballots can drop them off at “collection” stations.  That minimizes the risks to both the voters and the collectors.  While many states have struggled to make voting easier, for political or other reasons, perhaps our current health crisis will “trump” those concerns.  We will see.

Bye Bye Bernie?

In the meantime, Democrats are treading lightly when it comes to the Bernie Sanders campaign.  The writing is “on the wall” so to speak for the Senator from Vermont.  Statistically speaking there doesn’t seem to be a reasonable chance he could win the nomination for the Presidency.  As crazy as it seems, it’s less than a month from Bernie’s big win in Nevada and New Hampshire and the virtual write-off of the Biden candidacy, the world is now “upside down”.  Democrats nationwide have spoken, and Biden will be the nominee.

Joe Biden did his best to sound Presidential, magnanimous, and accommodating to the Bernie Sanders’ supporters in his victory talk last night (it really was a streamed talk, not a typical campaign victory speech).  Biden, like Hillary Clinton in 2016, knows that he needs all the help he can get to defeat Donald Trump.  Sanders’ supporters represent votes, and even more importantly, energy in the fall campaign.  So “kid gloves” is the word for talking about Sanders and his followers.

And there isn’t, so far, the bitterness that pervaded the end of the Clinton/Sanders battles of 2016.  The DNC has gone above and beyond to be fair, and like it or not, the voters have made the choice very clear.  So the time is coming to wrap up this primary season.    

The election is currently running way back in second place in this corona-virus news world.  It would be a good time for Senator Sanders to do what’s right for the Party, and the Nation, and let us concentrate on getting through this crisis, and onto ending the four-year disaster of Donald Trump.

St Patrick’s Day

New Normal

It’s St. Patrick’s Day, Tuesday, March 17th, 2020:  a unique day in our history. Unusual things have happened on this day, as Ohio and the rest of the nation dig deeper into the era of Corona-Virus.  Here, Governor Mike DeWine tried to cancel today’s primary elections, and a local court overruled him.  When he lost the case, the wily veteran showed his well-earned political wisdom. He waited until 10:00 pm last night to have his Public Health Director declare the election a public health hazard – too late to appeal.  The election is postponed, probably for a while.

Speaking of Governor DeWine, it’s not often you’ll hear me speak highly of a member of the GOP in this age of Trump.  And while it’s not likely that I’ll be voting for him, I do admire has political courage. Two weeks ago he cancelled one of the most important revenue and sporting events in Columbus, Ohio, the “Arnold Sports Classic;” and the town was aghast.  Today, in what seems like months later, it’s not a big deal.  The Governor is trying to stay ahead of THE curve, literally, and I hope he continues to be willing to make the tough decisions.  He’s doing what’s right, not what’s politically correct. DeWine is an Irish name, and from one Irishman here (it’s Martin O’Connor Dahlman) I’ll raise a glass to the Governor tonight.


I spent my day working from home.  It’s kind of hard to wrap your head around the idea of substitute teaching from my office at the house, and today grading “papers” was all done online. But I spent my “work” hours staring at some awesome projects from my new social studies classes.  I even got the same old headache I used to get with term papers, but I didn’t fall asleep grading quite as much!

As I worked I listened to the President’s press conference.  As of yesterday he finally realized the real bad news:  millions may die on his “watch”.  Mr. Trump is subdued, and worried, and saying all of the things that he should have said two weeks ago; the kind of things that Mike DeWine has been saying all along. But at least he’s got it, and he’s working to be “Presidential”, something he’s always said he could do but never pulled off.  

I also watch Governor Cuomo of New York today, talking about his children, and his parents, and what life is like under “social distancing”.  The Governor was telling stories of his life to describe what we have to do:  it must have felt the same when Americans gathered around the radio to listen to President Roosevelt in the depths of the Great Depression.  Cuomo’s key:  what’s going to happen is going to take time, but in the scope of our lives, it’s a short time that will only feel like it lasted forever.  The only things we will lose are those family and friends we lose through death.  Whatever we can do to lessen that loss is worth the sacrifice.

In the World

I did venture to the Kroger’s for some needed supplies.  No, we’re still fine on toilet paper, but heaven forbid the dogs run out of carrots, or canned food.  Good thing about the toilet paper, by 2:30 there was none left in the store again.  Someone must have a mountain of that stuff somewhere, a basement filled to the rafters, or a garage that you can’t open the door.  I guess I have to admit it:  I hope they have a flood.  It would serve them right. Even if Ohio says “shelter in place” you still will be able to go to the store for supplies.  That includes toilet paper.

But I found what we needed, keeping my “appropriate” physical distance from the other customers.  Everyone was subdued, except for the young cashier.  There wasn’t a “bagger” so I was doing it myself. As I attempted to pickup a new plastic grocery bag again and again, she watched me, and finally said, “You have to lick you fingers”.  I knew that, but it’s a “new” world of corona-virus, and I didn’t think that finger licking was appropriate.  But as she said, “it’s your bag”. 

St Patrick’s Day

Anyway, I’m thinking about an electronic assignment for my remote students at the other end of the computer screen.  There’s a Bobby Kennedy quote:

            “There’s an old Chinese proverb:  may you live in interesting times. Like it on not, we live in interesting times.”

I think my young charges should write what life is like in the 2020 Corona-Virus.  I hope it’s a one-time event for them, something they can tell tall stories about to their children.  It’s history class I’m teaching, and it’s history that they’re living. So are we.

But regardless of all that, it’s St. Patrick’s Day – and we’ve laid on a supply of Guinness and Conway’s.  There’s no party at the Irish Pub tonight, but I’ll still be celebrating me Irish heritage.


Crisis in a Small Town

Bad News at the Door Step

If you listen to the news, this week it seems all depressingly the same.  Social distancing, washing hands, flattening curves, an exponential crisis:  everywhere you turn you’re being warned.  Here in Ohio the schools, restaurants, bars, casinos, racinos (yep, there’s a difference) fitness clubs, and even my dentist’s office are all closed.  When you run into people, out on the street or at the grocery store, they look a little guilty:  I’m not in my house; is my excuse to be out “good” enough?  

Pataskala, Ohio is dealing with the corona-virus crisis just like everyone else.  We’ve had our bad moments.  There supposedly was a fight in the local grocery store:  one man took three packages of toilet paper when he was only allowed to have two, another took the last package left, and wanted the extra.  There were words, and a shoving match, and someone else had to intervene to stop something worse.

It’s odd:  why toilet paper?  How did that become the symbolic product shortage of the corona-virus, a disease of the lungs?  Sure, they’ve run out of bacterial wipes, and paper towels, but toilet paper?  And why is everyone convinced that there will be shortages, that somehow they will be ordered into their homes with no way out?  But that’s where Pataskala’s residents are.  If you want white bread, you’re probably out of luck.  Good thing I like rye!

Back to School

I picked a great time to get back into education.  As the “long-term sub” for a middle school social studies teacher, I was just getting my legs (and voice) back when schools were closed.  Now, this “old dog” is going to have to learn a lot of new tricks.  Education isn’t going to stop:  there’s a whole new world in “Google Classroom” where students and teachers can interact and learn.  Good thing we were supposed to have spring break next week, I can buy some time to figure out how to make all this happen.  

Republican Governor Mike DeWine will probably never get my vote, but he absolutely has earned my respect.  His handling of the crisis has been forthright and honest, and he is willing to make the tough decisions that might save lives here in Ohio.  He rolled out his “plan” over several days, not wanting to “nail” Ohioans with too much at one time.  Sure schools are closed until after April 3rd, but I would bet as we get closer, schools will remain shuttered much longer.  He’s just in no hurry to deliver one more piece of bad news.

So the staff at the school will learn how to educate from a “social” distance, via computer.  They’ve already picked up the challenge, and many have offered to help an old “chalk” teacher with the new technology.  I’ll get it, and if needs be, we can teach for the rest of the year.  I’ll miss the contact, and the discussions, but that’s the one thing we can’t have for a while.

Good Cops

By the way, since all the kids are at home, some parents are frantic.  They have to work, and the school and the YMCA and the library are all closed. There’s nowhere for their kids to go.  The Pataskala Police Department has offered to stop by and check on them; just give them the address and your phone number.  “Wellness checks” are something they’re happy to do: making sure that young teens are OK at home is a great service to our community.

Good Friends

As I’ve noted before, Pataskala is the home to more pizza shops than almost anything else (well, there’s a lot of car parts places too).  There are also several restaurants of one kind or another, a Chinese carryout, two Mexican places, and a number of bars that serve food.  But the governor has ordered all restaurants closed, carryout or delivery only.  

Members of the community are putting the local menus online, and encouraging folks to buy some local carryout food at least once a week.  The big businesses, the chain restaurants will probably be all right, but places like the Nutcracker and Ziggys and the “hallowed” local pizza place, Capuanos, will need community support to survive the crisis.  I believe that they’ll get all the help they need – it’s just too bad Ziggys can’t carryout beer.

Speaking of beer, even the local brewery, the Granville Brewery, is closed.  But I heard they’ll fill your growlers for you if you need it, you just can’t sit at the bar!!

There’s lots of grousing and grumbling:  no one around here is sick – yet.  But there’s also an underlying fear, of what might happen, if not to you, then to someone you love.  It seems that things will get much worse before they begin to get better.  But Pataskala, with all its flaws, will stand together to help each other.  Neighbors will check on neighbors, and friends with friends.  

They might even loan you a roll of toilet paper.

Viral Recession

Back Before

Twelve days ago was “Super Tuesday”.  Joe Biden won big, ten states to Bernie Sanders’ four.  And even Sanders’ win in the “big enchilada,” California, was close, earning him only forty-seven more delegates than Biden, 211 to 163.  Super Tuesday results changed the entire course of the Democratic nominating process, followed up by Biden’s strong results this past Tuesday in Michigan, Missouri, and three other states.  Sanders managed to win only one, North Dakota.

That was the “big deal” last week, the week before the United States confronted the Corona-Virus head on.  And the elections, and life, go on, despite all of the “oxygen” in our lives taken up by this ultimate health crisis.    

My wife is “fostering” a rescued dog.  She named the eight-year old “Bandit,” and he came to the house three weeks ago in sad shape.  His back legs hardly worked, his ears were so filled with infection the he couldn’t hear, and he had other skin infections and probably worms. He was a mess from months wandering outside.  Before there was the corona-virus quarantine, Jenn was quarantined here in the house, giving intensive care to Bandit.  This coming Tuesday he goes for an MRI and possible spinal surgery to determine his fate.

But he has improved under Jenn’s care.  He’s standing better, eating regular dog food, and finally sleeping more than two hours at a time.  He’s good enough, that Jenn could actually leave the house for a few hours without worrying.  Since Tuesday is Bandit’s big day at the veterinary hospital, we decided to go cast our primary votes at the County Board of Elections in Newark.

Social Distancing

It was the first Saturday of  “social-distancing” to slow down the course of the corona-virus.  Folks here in Licking County seem to be taking that seriously.  The roads weren’t as crowded as usual.  When we arrived at the Board of Elections, there wasn’t a line, even though this was the only place to cast early ballots on Saturday morning.  We walked straight in, got our “new” optical ballot from the clerk, and voted.  I complimented the clerks on the new apparatus, not only is there an actual paper ballot printed, but you can visually check your votes to make sure there are no mistakes.  Licking County seems ahead of the voting curve.

We were out, Jenn for the first time in weeks.  So we went to lunch at a local pub.  It was a little early, but we didn’t expect to be the only customers in the place.  It gave us a chance to talk to the staff over our burgers.  This was their new “reality” of business, a few customers but many open tables.  It was supposed to be a Saturday of NCAA basketball finals with the bar packed.  Today the bartender was straightening out the bottles on the top shelf; no one was looking for a drink.

It’s Saint Patrick’s Day weekend, America’s excuse to drink Guinness beer and Jamison’s Irish whiskey.  But it’s not happening, folks are staying home, and no one is getting a tip for good service.

On the Point

What’s going to happen to these restaurants?  One of our favorite spots in Cleveland, Nighttown, has closed its doors for a month.  The workers are laid off, told to collect unemployment.  Other restaurants are shortening their hours, and soon will start cutting back on employees. 

Investors have been anticipating a recession for months, but Corona-Virus has sealed the deal.  It’s not just the stock market, down twenty percent, 6000 points in the past month.  It’s those bartenders and waiters, standing around at the restaurant, talking nervously to the few customers.  Food comes out fast, and drinks are never empty.  But these folks won’t be working for long.  When the government says that they’ll take care of those hurt by the epidemic, I hope these guys are in the front of the line.

I know we’ve got to practice “social distancing”.  My substitute-teaching job has turned into developing materials for “online education”.  Kids are going to check-in online, get their assignments, and then put them in the “drop-box” to be graded.  It’s a “brave new world” of teaching, one that puts us all out of harm’s way.  And if you study the “flattened” curve of disease, it’s going to last for months. So get used to it.

But don’t forget all those folks who are going to lose out.  Not just kids who will miss the personal contact, but people who will lose their jobs because we are all hiding from the virus in our homes.  

And if you go out to eat, leave a big tip.  They need it.

Lost Tomorrows


I had the distinct honor of coaching high school track and field for forty years.  Thousands of kids ran, jumped, and threw on my teams.  Some struggled, some were average, and some were champions.  One athlete won the state and set records that still stand.  Others were close to those achievements, striving to be the best. I asked all of them one thing:  to work to be better than they were.  

Track is like that.  You compete against others, sometimes against the best there is, but you always, always, compete against yourself.  And that is what makes it special; it doesn’t require a competitor to measure your own effort and success.  Even if you are the “worst” you can still be better than you were yesterday.  And if you are the best, you can still have a reason to be even better.

Don’t Wait

The advice I often gave those athletes was; “Strive today, because no one can promise tomorrow”.  When you have the opportunity to do something special and extraordinary, don’t fail to make the most of it.  As you float down the track in the 100 meters, the fastest in the field, don’t miss the chance to go even faster.  Tomorrow isn’t promised; a hamstring injury in the prelims might end your season.

When you soar over the crossbar at 15’, don’t let the wind distract you from going even higher.  It might be the one time that all of the random forces, including luck, are at your back.  You might only have this one chance to set a record, to reach your dreams.  Don’t depend on tomorrow, it isn’t promised.  

When you run the fastest 400 in school history, don’t suffer that someone was even faster in the field.  Tomorrow pneumonia might strike, and your season is over.

Focus on today, on now, on this moment.  Achieve it now.  Tomorrow isn’t promised.

As the coach, I was there for many athletes who strived today and hoped for a tomorrow to fulfill their dreams.   For a chosen few, the gift of tomorrow came, and they achieved all that they hoped.  And yet, even for them, there was still that self-competition.  They might have been better than everyone else, but they were not yet better than themselves.

Tomorrow’s Gone

Today, many of those athletes are finding out there is no tomorrow.  It’s all for the right reasons:  the United States is in a desperate race against the Corona-Virus.  It is an odd race, one we will certainly lose.  But if we lose it slowly enough, we can actually win. We must reduce social contact.  We must save lives by saving space in hospitals.  It’s our duty, as a nation. 

But it doesn’t make it easier for those athletes, who are giving up their dreams.  

There is the story of the 1980 American Olympians, many the best in the world at what they did.  They trained their whole lives simply for the chance to compete, and for some, to win a medal.  But the Russians invaded Afghanistan, and the Olympics were in Moscow.  My former boss, President Jimmy Carter, determined that the US team should not compete in the capital of an invading nation.  The cause was right, but the impact on those Olympians lasted a lifetime.  They lost their chance at the dream.

There are few future Olympians running for the team I once coached today.  But there are some alumni training on their college teams, who just lost their NCAA championship chance.  I know them; they will put their heads down and move onto the next goal.  That’s who they are, and how they’ve been trained.  But they will never forget, and they will always regret losing this tomorrow.

Do Your Duty

In the larger scale, everyone knows what’s right.  Everyone knows that, to quote Commander Spock, “the good of the many outweighs the good of the few”.  We will weather this onslaught of Corona-Virus, in six months or a year.  And we will have a vaccine for this disease inside of two years.  Corona-Virus will become another in the list of world pandemics that burned through, then faded away.  

I explained smallpox vaccination to a class of eighth graders.  It’s a disease that exists only in germ warfare labs today, extinguished by science.  I reached to my shoulder to show them that mark of “ancientness,” a scar from the vaccination for a disease they’ve hardly heard of.  So too will Corona-Virus be.

But it won’t change the individual losses, both to those that don’t survive the onslaught, and those who give up their dream that others may live.  We must be a nation of purpose.  But don’t hold it against the few who will do their duty, if they mourn the loss of their tomorrow.