
Old Glory

Here’s one of my favorite topics!!!  Let’s talk about American History – specifically the history of American flags!!

There are a few historic flags I’d like to “zoom-in” on, flags somewhat obscured by the lens of time, but now back in the “common vernacular” of our discussion.  The first is the actual flag of the United States of America, the Stars and Stripes (all fifty stars for fifty states, thirteen white and red stripes representing the original thirteen states that signed the Constitution).

Stars and Stripes

It’s not quite the “Star Spangled Banner” Flag (fifteen stars, fifteen stripes – designed before the they realized the pin-stripe effect of adding a stripe for each state).  And it’s not the “Iwo Jima” flag either, thirteen stripes but forty-eight stars.  It’s the flag that’s represented the United States since 1960, when Hawaii entered the Union as a state.  And it’s the flag that could still see more stars:  Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia to mention two.

 Star Spangled Banner

“World War II” Flag

Throughout US history, flying the Stars and Stripes upside down was a sign of extreme emergency.  But in our recent history, the upside down flag has been appropriated as a symbol by the extreme MAGA crowd (as opposed to the only “crazy” MAGA crowd?).  The Stars and Stripes upside down (The World Turned Upside Down, played by the British as they surrendered at Yorktown) was outside the Capitol on January 6th, used to beat the Capitol and DC Police officers.  But it wasn’t the only flag there.

Extreme Distress – US Flag

Of course there were a whole lot of “Trump” flags.  But there also were some other traditional American flags, some specific to the groups that gathered to overturn the election and support the losing President. 

Historic Flags

There was the “Betsy Ross” flag, thirteen stripes with thirteen stars in a circle.  It’s been the traditional flag of the American Revolution, the flag flown over George Washington’s army.  It’s been absconded by the “Three Percenters” (with a Roman Numeral III added) a far-right extremist group.  Five years ago Nike marketed a Betsy Ross Flag sneaker, triggering a whole protest against racism.  I wrote an essay (Flags and Shoes) about it at the time.  Nike didn’t have the stomach for the fight, and the shoes “went away”.  

Betsy Ross  Flag

There was the famous “Don’t Tread on Me” snake flag. officially called the “Gadsen Flag”.  In the first decade of this century, the Tea-Party movement took it as “their” symbol, and it is often used as a “private” symbol of MAGA’ism.  It’s the “insider” information, rather than just put a Trump flag in front of the house.  Now, when you see one you’re an “insider” too!!

Don’t Tread on Me Flag

And, of course, there’s the Confederate Battle Flag (actually the flag of the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia).  That flag became the symbol of the Ku Klux Klan, and continues to represent the white extremist movements.  But it also became the symbol of “country-boys”, and can be seen in a lot of Country music songs and videos in the past forty years.  Lynrd Skynrd and Hank Williams Jr (you can buy a Battle Flag with Hank’s face in the middle) are two examples.  Seriously though, in the Civil War a major goal of the Confederacy was to march the Battle Flag through the Capitol.  It didn’t happen in four years of  that war, nor in one hundred and fifty-five years of American history afterwards.  But it did happen on January 6th, 2021.

Confederate Battle Flag

Insiders Know

This week we have another American flag emerging as an “undercover” representation of the MAGA movement.  This is the “Pine Tree” or “Appeal to Heaven” flag, originally designed for the first Continental ships of war during the Revolution.  It shows a Pine Tree, with the words “Appeal to Heaven” or “Appeal to God” written above it.  But today it is symbolic of Christian Nationalism, a growing extremist movement that erroneously sees the United States as founded as a Christian Nation (it was, in fact, established diametrically opposite, as a secular nation).   It’s another “insider” flag.  Wink-wink, nudge-nudge; only those “in the know” knew.  Now you do too.

      Appeal to Heaven Flag

Of course this is really about that ultimate “insider”, the Justice of the United States Supreme Court Samuel Alito.   He’s been “winking-winking, nudging-nudging” to those “in the know”.  We all knew he was a conservative Justice, but we now know he’s been “signaling” the MAGA-extremists that he’s “one of the boys”.  First it was the “distress flag” flown in front of his house in the week between the Insurrection and the Inauguration.  Now it’s the “Appeal to Heaven” flag flown over his vacation home on the Jersey Shore.  

Of course, the Justice could argue that it was a “naval” flag, and he was just honoring the few, proud, Continental Naval forces.  But he could have done that “honoring” with the official ensign of the early Navy, the “Grand Union Flag”.  Instead he chose the loaded “Appeal to Heaven” flag, with all the baggage of Christian Nationalism that we hope our Judicial System would avoid.  He puts his own extreme political views up front, raised to salute in front of his homes.  

Grand Union Flag

If he’s so anxious to have a “personal” flag – he could put the “Seal” of the Court on a flag and fly it.  That would be a real “insider” flag – without declaring his alliance to insurrection.

Seal of the US Supreme Court

Author: Marty Dahlman

I'm Marty Dahlman. After forty years of teaching and coaching track and cross country, I've finally retired!!! I've also spent a lot of time in politics, working campaigns from local school elections to Presidential campaigns.