Just a Lie


OK, I know that the campaign for the one issue August election here in Ohio is ugly.  But I just saw a “Vote Yes for Issue One” advertisement that was a complete “Big Lie”.  Vote for Issue One so that schools don’t try to make you kids transgendered?  Vote for Issue One to keep control (the “promise”) of your children, to keep them from “forced” gender or identity changes?  I mean come on, do you really think schools are trying to change your kid’s gender?  We can’t even get them to stop chewing gum, look at their cell phones, or turn in their homework.

Issue One was slipped onto the ballot for August 8th, soon after that same legislature said we shouldn’t do August ballots.  It’s technical:  about how to amend the Ohio Constitution.  It’s got nothing to do with schools or sex or gender.  Here’s the simple truth:  since the year 1912 Ohio citizens had the right to amend the Constitution by a mass public vote:  Majority wins.  But if Issue One passes, it will require 60% of the voters to amend.  

There’s More

And Issue One goes even farther.  To even get an initiative on the ballot, the new Issue would require signatures of 5% of voters in EVERY county in Ohio, regardless of how big or small. (Today signatures are required from half the counties in the state).  It allows ANY small county to literally VETO any initiative, regardless of the percentage of statewide vote they actually have.  How much power de we want to give to Vinton County (12,608), or Monroe (13,007), Morgan (13,427) or Noble (13,956), all smaller than my City of Pataskala (15,008 “strong”)?  Should any one of them be able to veto the entire rest of the state (11.78 million)?

But wait, there’s more.  Issue One also changes how the State Board “counts” the more than 400,000 signatures it takes to put an initiative on the ballot.  Currently, once the State counts the signatures, petitioners have ten days to fix illegible ones (see my writing) or add more signatures as necessary.  Under Issue One – they would have to start completely over.  


Issue One would basically make changing the Ohio Constitution ONLY possible through the State Legislature. And that’s exactly what Ohio’s State Legislature wants.  They want one less check on their own powers. If you went to Watkins Memorial High School and I was your social studies teacher, you might think that’s OK.  After all, I taught you that to amend the United States Constitution, it takes two-thirds of the Congress, and three-fourths of the States to agree.  It’s really, really, hard to change.

But there’s a difference between the US Constitution and the fifty individual state Constitutions.  The US Constitution was written as a “general” document, with lots of room for interpretation.  The State Constitutions are specific documents, hundreds of pages long.  The average State Constitution is five times longer than the US Constitution. The US Constitution has seven original sections, and twenty-seven amendments.  The Ohio Constitution has nineteen sections and 170 Amendments. It’s like a combination of the US Constitution AND the US Code of “regular” laws.  

The US Constitution and the State Constitutions are NOT the same, and do not serve the same purpose.  They never have.  In fact, the United States Supreme Court requires State Constitutions to be much more specific.

Big Truth

So here’s the “Big Truth”.  The Republicans in the State Legislature are afraid of losing to a “pro-choice” women’s health amendment in November.  That’s a valid argument for the entire state to have, and it’s on for the November ballot.  But, instead of fighting that “fair” fight, Issue One changes the rules for November so that it would be near impossible to pass.  These Republicans simply don’t believe in majority rule. And don’t just ask me, a Registered Democrat.  Ask John Kasich and Bob Taft, former Republican Governors or Maureen O’Connor, former Republican Chief Justice.

Gerrymandered districts already tilt the legislature.  IF Ohio was fair, then there would be something close to a 55% Republicans, 45% Democrats in legislature.  Instead the Ohio Senate is 79% Republican and the House is 68Republican.  Even the most rabid Republican can’t really believe that represents the Buckeye State. Ohio’s State Legislature even ignored a state Constitutional amendment (passed by this same process) and rulings by the State Supreme Court that required fairer districts.  They refused to change – so Ohio is still highly gerrymandered.  Now they want to change the rules to make sure they have even more power.

The November vote on the women’s health amendment will be a tough one.  But at least in that fight, folks can be clear what the issues are.  This Issue One isn’t about that.  It isn’t about schools, gender, sex, or even abortion.  It’s about power.

Let’s put this in football terms most Ohioans understand.  If Issue One passes:Ohio State 58, Michigan 42;  Michigan wins. Or worse, Ohio State 87, Michigan 1; Michigan wins.  The people of Ohio understand what’s fair, and what’s a power grab.  They just have to show up on August 8th and keep it fair so   Ohio wins.

Author: Marty Dahlman

I'm Marty Dahlman. After forty years of teaching and coaching track and cross country, I've finally retired!!! I've also spent a lot of time in politics, working campaigns from local school elections to Presidential campaigns.