The Winter Ends

Sun Rise

This is an old coaching expression – “no matter what the outcome of the contest, the sun WILL come up tomorrow”.  Life will go on, win or lose; so whatever the outcome: take the credit or the loss, and move on.  I know that the Cincinnati Bengals will struggle with their Super Bowl loss.  But I also know that they are incredibly successful athletes, honed by years of effort.  They will suffer the loss, but they will also use that suffering to motivate the next effort.  The sun came up on Monday, so “Who Dey!!”  Get to work.


But it was a more literal sun rise this morning.  Today was a “sub day”, when I struggled to get out of bed to the 5:30 am klaxon alarm. Into the darkness I wandered through the house, and let the dogs out into the back yard.  All of us, three dogs (two slept on) and I, had sleepy, half-closed eyes.  

The dogs wandered back out of the darkness, the icy yard; and quietly waited at the door for me to let them in.  Meanwhile, I downed the first cup of the first pot of coffee for the morning.  While caffeine has an absolute definite physical impact, even the first sip clears cobwebs from my brain.  That must be a matter of “placebo effect”; no way the caffeine can hit my system that fast.

The other two dogs made their sleepy appearance, the oldest smiling with half open eyes.  So there are five, looking for breakfast, waiting for the “treats” of the morning (bits of cheese with the meds, bits of carrots for the rest), their morning hors-d‘oeuvres before the regular meal.  All but one finally ate (really – 5:45 is far too early for a pit bull puppy to eat, especially when she can lay her head to the fire) and then I started to get myself together.

Early Light

By 6:45 I was out the front door, starting the Jeep to warm up against the ten-degree cold.   Then I noticed:  the sky was lightning.  There was no need to leave the porch light on – I could see around the car, and up the stairs.  Spring will come, not the fake spring of  the day after tomorrow when the temperature will approach sixty, but real spring, leaves coming out and grass growing spring.  It’s on the way.

I drive to school into a red sunrise.  Sailors might take warning, but it was beautiful, uplifting.  Sure there’s still a month of snow and ice to go, and this week’s warmup is really a false hope.  But the sun is coming up earlier, and while the geo-physics that create the seasons are inexorable, it’s still good to see the evidence.


Last week I wrote an essay that seemed hopeless.  The extremism that has infected America is using the Covid virus to infect other countries.  Some Canadian truck drivers, anti-vaxxers, are fouling the roads, using their vehicles to block commerce and daily life.  Ninety percent of Canadian truck drivers are vaccinated, so, like the Insurrectionists of January 6th, it’s dangerous to infer a broader movement from the actions of a few.

But millions of dollars poured into Canada to support the protestors.  Extremists here in the United States bragged how much more the “truckers” raised than either of the two Canadian political parties.  But the parties raise their money from Canadians. It is the US extremists, interested in exporting their movement, that are donating across the border.  I suspect most Canadians aren’t appreciative of another American incursion into their lives.

The Canadian Way

The Canadian government is taking it’s time.  No need to provoke violence, they are carefully winnowing down the protestors, getting to the hard core crazies that may require force and incarceration to move them out of the way.  Canada isn’t interested in a spectacle, of Canadian police being beaten with Canadian flag poles (purchased with US money).   So they’ll move cautiously, courteously.  It’s their way.

And there are protests in Europe, the spread of a right-wing nationalism using Covid as the excuse to be anti-government.  I’m sure US money is behind that as well. Steve Bannon is getting his “dream-shot”, an autocratic union of the “white Northern Europeans”.  It’s what he talked about since he emerged as “Trump’s Brain” in 2016.  It was in one of my earliest essays, when “Our America” was called “Trump World”, back in February of 2017 (The Bully and Bannon).  Whether he’s “behind” all this or not, he’s definitely enjoying it.  The sun came up for him, even after the election of 2020.


But I didn’t publish my sad, dis-heartened essay last week.  It was a day, not a season, and a day I didn’t want to become a legacy.  So it wrote it, and buried it in the files.  Because the sun came up, and the Canadians are handling their extremists in the “Canadian Way”, and Omicron is diminishing, and the Supreme Courts of North Carolina and Ohio seem dead set to making voting districts fairer.  

We’ve had our “red sky” warning.  But just as spring is eternal, so is hope.  So I’ll bury dis-heartened, and believe this morning’s sunrise, and in the hope that we will continue to be a nation dedicated to becoming “more perfect”.  No matter there will probably be a blizzard next week.  The sun will come earlier, and the grass will soon grow.  Last week I saw the robins flocking in my neighbor’s tree.  They are fat – they’re going to make it through this winter.  

And so shall we.

Author: Marty Dahlman

I'm Marty Dahlman. After forty years of teaching and coaching track and cross country, I've finally retired!!! I've also spent a lot of time in politics, working campaigns from local school elections to Presidential campaigns.

4 thoughts on “The Winter Ends”

  1. How is not wanting forced gene therapies, not wanting the kids to be forced to wear masks that don’t work, and people not wanting the economy slowed by this garbage anymore extremist or racist?

    I think Trudeau, Biden, Fauci, and many others in our government are committing crimes against humanity.

    Wait until Nuremberg 2.0.

    They’re not going to get away with this.

    People are starting to realize that just because the news tells them they’re racist because they protest against covid (synthetic common cold) mandates that that’s not true.

    People are waking up.

    The actions of a few? I think the majority are starting to realize that they’ve been duped.

    Think about it. They were forced to take an experimental gene therapy to supposedly protect themselves against an asymptotic disease.

    They were told if they do that, they can remove the masks. But, they still have masks.

    Also multiple studies are coming out and have come out saying the gene therapies and masks work, and are even harming people and killing them.

    I just don’t see how people who are anti-government are white supremest just because Brian Stelter, CNN, and that puppet Joe Biden says so. Then they persecute whoever challenges that narrative.

    It’s just funny because a lot of the “anti-vaxers” (almost like the new “Jew”, because they’re singling out and causing hatred toward a certain group of people for no reason.) aren’t even white for the most part.

    This is ridiculous.

    And another one they say…. “Oh they’re against science.”

    I mean, does anyone realize how stupid that sounds? I was taught at WATKINS MEMORIAL HIGH SCHOOL that science is always and will always be able to be questioned. What’s so different about this? Just because some of us don’t want to go along with Dr. Fauci’s (who funded gain of function and helped construct the bio-weapon.) hypothesis?

    No scientific method involved. It’s just, “It’s the science.” I mean, Fauci called himself, “the science” on national TV.

    We don’t want our kids forcefully masked to protect themselves against an asymptotic disease. It makes them even more sick because they just fiddle with it all day and spread each other’s germs around. We don’t want forced inoculations. Especially if it’s an experiment and against an asymptomatic disease that they want to give our kids. That’s not even anti-vax. I’m not anti-vax, but I am anti-experimental gene therapy that changes your immune system and studies are coming out saying it could even cause “vaids”. (Vaccine Induced Aids).

    Could you imagine CNN, MSNBC, or Fox News without Covid, Russia, or January 6th? They would cease to exist. They know they’re on the brink of complete failure so they have to hang on to those three narratives for as long as they can because when they disappear, so will CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News.

    How is calling everyone racist for not wanting to go along with the Covid tyranny not “misinformation”? Oh let me guess. Because CNN and MSNBC says it’s true so it’s not misinformation. But, if someone challenges that, it’s “misinformation.”

    It’s all a fraud and you know it.

    None of this is my opinion.

    I’m not providing any sources because if people want to find the truth they can research it on their own. All they have to do is look away from the mainstream news for a few days. Instead, they’ll just deny and rebuttal anything I say.

    Christ himself can come down and tell people this, and people would spit on him, beat him, call him anti-vax, anti-science, racist, and a white supremest.

    This is ******* ridiculous.

    1. Brandon – you and I deal with completely different “facts”. The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines therapy’s aren’t experimental – they more than a decade old. And they aren’t gene therapy – they don’t alter genetics at all. And the JJ vaccine is “old school” as the Jenner smallpox vaccine in the 1790’s.

      And masks did work- and continue to. And they don’t suffocate anyone – if they did I’d have died in multiple surgeries.
      Fauci has had the guts to give us the most recent info – even when it’s different from what he knew before. And I don’t think the extremists are racists – by I do think they’ve been fooled by those who profit by manipulating information. And that’s my “facts” and I stand by them.


    “Think about it. They were forced to take an experimental gene therapy to supposedly protect themselves against an ASYMPTOMATIC disease.

    They were told if they do that, they can remove the masks. But, they still have masks.

    Also multiple studies are coming out and have come out saying the gene therapies and masks DON’T work, and are even harming people and killing them.”

  3. I just think it’s time to stop playing covid and playing all of these funny little games and move on.

    It’s all breaking down society. Big time.

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