Believe Them the First Time

When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time” – Maya Angelou

Talking Point

It’s a recent “talking point” in the mainstream media.  Pundits point out that Donald Trump is losing his influence over the remaining Republicans, often citing the Virginia Governor race.  In that contest the victorious Republican, Glenn Youngkins, espoused Trump-like (lite?) ideas without actually being a “Trumper”.  He accepted Trump’s support, but didn’t let him campaign in Virginia.  The “talking point” is that “new” Republican candidates can appeal to the Trump ideology, but not be “Trumps”. 

This doesn’t seem to be the case here in Ohio. In the Republican Senate primary campaign Josh Mandel, a former State Treasurer and “normal” Republican, has adhered as closely to Trumpism as he can get.  His opponents are trying to be even “Trumpier” than he is. Mandel seems to be holding his own: the latest polling shows Mandel up by 6% on his nearest competitor in an eight “horse” race.

Legitimate Political Discourse

Every time a Republican seems to stray from the Trump-line, they get smacked back into place.  Senator Lindsey Graham is the latest, and perhaps, most frequent victim.  Graham had the audacity to say that January 6th insurrectionists shouldn’t be pardoned as the former President suggested.  In response, Trump called Graham a “RINO”, and said “…he doesn’t know what he’s talking about”.  Graham didn’t mention the former President in his response to that,  but held his position against pardons.

But to really see where the Republican Party is today, simply look at the actions of the Republican National Committee this week.  The Party censured Congressmen Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger for participating on the January 6th Committee.  The Party went even further, saying that the events of January 6th, the Insurrection at the Capitol, was simply “…legitimate political discourse”.  They also gave their approval to Cheney’s Republican primary opponent, and promised funds against Cheney in the primary election (Kinzinger is not running for re-election).  

Maya Angelou said, “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time”.  The Republican Party has shown the nation, over and over again, who they are.  They are the Party of ex-President Donald Trump.  Not only do they fall in line with whatever the current Trump talking point is, but they are completely beholden to Trump financially.   Much of the Committee financing is done over Trump’s name, and Trump is getting his “pound of flesh” back.  In just October and November of 2021, the RNC paid over $720,000 in Trump’s legal bills (ABC).


There are still Republican “outliers”; those who don’t genuflect to the former President.  Susan Collins of Maine, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Mitt Romney of Utah, and even Ohio’s current Governor Mike DeWine all fit in that mold.  But all of them are in unique positions to get some independence from the “party-line”.  Collins has just won a new six year term.  Murkowski ran as an independent Republican in Alaska, against a “Party” candidate.  Romney is from a state where his religion dominates, and they don’t approve of Trump. 

And with DeWine here in Ohio, we’ve yet to see how his independence will do.  The seventy-five year old Governor has a long political history in the state, but faces a well-financed primary challenge from Jim Renacci of suburban Wadsworth.  Renacci is following the “Virginia model”, checking all the boxes from banning “critical race theory” in schools to cutting taxes and de-centralizing the state government.  He doesn’t mention Trump in his campaign (and has not received a Trump endorsement), but even his slogan, “Putting Ohio first means putting America first” echoes Trumpian faux-patriotism.

Who Are You

The Republican Party told us “who they were” this week, for the umpteenth time.  They even went so far as to rewrite history, and told us not to “believe our lying eyes” about the January 6th Insurrection – simply “legitimate political discourse”.   They have made a choice, to castigate Cheney, Kinzinger, and any others who stand for something that looks like what used to be the Republican Party of twenty years ago.

It’s not.  And for my Never-Trumper friends who voted for Biden and now feel betrayed that Biden turned out to be a “Democrat”, I am sorry.  We told you what we were, and you determined that it was better than Trump.  By the way, that is still true.

Somewhere out there there’s a core of a National Union Party, a center-right  Kinzinger and Cheney meet Joe Manchin alliance.  But the current Republican Party isn’t it.  This week they told us who they are – a Party that is willing to throw out the US Constitution in order to gain power:  legitimate political discourse at the end of a flag pole with bear spray.  Like it or not, if you call yourself a Party Republican, that’s your Party.

Author: Marty Dahlman

I'm Marty Dahlman. After forty years of teaching and coaching track and cross country, I've finally retired!!! I've also spent a lot of time in politics, working campaigns from local school elections to Presidential campaigns.