Come to the Light

The Farce

You know, it hasn’t been a great week.  It looks like President Biden and Majority Leader Schumer were leading us on.  I know, both of them kept saying “how hard this was going to be” and “we have lots of work to do”.  But you had to think they wouldn’t have raised our hopes, without some hope themselves that they could succeed in convincing Manchin and Sinema to play ball.  Now it looks like it was all a farce, a show put on to demonstrate “how hard” they were trying.  

We don’t need shows, and we don’t need false hope.  All that does is solidify the view that “the enemy” isn’t the Republicans, but the two recalcitrant Democrats.  I’m struggling to see why that’s a good idea for my Party.  The reality is the fifty Republicans stand rock solid for voter suppression.  Former Attorney General Eric Holder stated yesterday that the average white voter in Fulton County (Atlanta) waited eight minutes to vote in 2020, while the average black person waited over fifty.  If that’s not discriminatory, what is?  But those conditions will be made worse in 2022 by the legal changes made in that state. A total of nineteen states passed thirty-three bills to do the same.  And more laws and states are in the “suppression” pipeline.

Marching on Main Street

But that’s not where Democratic ire is directed.   The Republicans are getting a “pass”.  Manchin and Sinema are taking the “heat” for all fifty-two opposing Senators from both parties.  The idea was that the pressure would somehow move “the two”, but looks now that it’s made them “stand firm” for the filibuster.  Wow – I’m sure the good folks in Flagstaff, Arizona and Beckley, West Virginia are proud:  “filibuster or bust” they cry out as they march down Main Street – not.

I know it’s not over “until the lady sings” (we will not be body shaming here!) but it sure sounds like she’s warming up.  How proud Senator Sinema looked yesterday, standing in the well of the Senate of the United States and defending “tradition”.  She might as well have said she was defending “heritage”, a word that has come to stand for the “old, racist” days.  And Manchin with his “elevator” interviews, always leaving a tidbit of room to wiggle, and reveling in the attention.  They’re both raising campaign funds on this issue, though it not regular Democrats giving the money for this.  You have to wonder; who is?

Trump Card

On top of that, the Supreme Court played their “Trump” card, and took another weapon out of the vaccine fight.  Government can’t mandate businesses keep their employees safe by vaccination.  At least five of the Justices agreed that medical workers ought to not infect their patients – duh.  

So this has not been a “winning” week – more of a “whining” week in reality.  

But there is one small light in the tunnel, though it too is flickering.  A few years ago, the voters of Ohio passed two State Constitutional Amendments calling for an end to political gerrymandering of legislative districts.  One was for the state representatives and senators, the other was for Congressional districts.  The “people” made it clear that districts like Jim Jordan’s, which stretches from the outskirts of Dayton to the outskirts of Toledo to the outskirts of Cleveland, aren’t really representative.  Even worse, the “snake on the lake” district, stretching from Toledo to Cleveland, fifteen miles wide along Lake Erie.

Will of the People

But when it came time for the Republican majority to redraw the maps, they went right ahead and kept doing what they always did.  Their new district maps would guarantee even more Republicans elected.  Ohio averaged 54% Republican to 46% Democrat in the past decades elections, but the Republican gerrymander would guarantee over 80% of the Congressional seats and more than 60% of the state legislative seats.

Ohio Supreme Court Justices are elected, not appointed.  There are four Republicans (including the Governor’s son) and three Democrats. The “betting” was that the Court would allow the maps, by a four to three decision. 

But there was a pleasant surprise.  Republican Chief Justice Maureen O’Connor flipped, citing the intent of the people in passing the amendments. The state legislative maps were tossed out, and the mapping committee has ten days to come up with something less partisan.  The Congressional maps will be up for the same review soon.  


So in a week of disappointment, it’s good to see one government official take a stand, and try to do what she sees as the “will of the people”.  Her willingness to cross “the line” and side with the Democrats on the court, is refreshing.  She didn’t do it because of partisanship, but in spite of it.  A flickering flame of hope, for a generally dismal week. 

Come to the light!!!!

Author: Marty Dahlman

I'm Marty Dahlman. After forty years of teaching and coaching track and cross country, I've finally retired!!! I've also spent a lot of time in politics, working campaigns from local school elections to Presidential campaigns.