Anniversary Insights


A year ago yesterday, a mob attacked the United States Capitol, with the express purpose of stopping Congress from certifying the election of Joe Biden as President.  In a nation that prides itself on a history of calm transitions of power:  from Adams to Jefferson, from Carter to Reagan, and even from Obama to Trump; this was the absolute opposite.  It was what the Founding Fathers worried about and the reason George Washington voluntarily gave up the Presidency in 1796 in the first place (teach them how to say goodbye).  Remember when we were upset (or amused) when the Clinton staffers stole all the “W’s” from the keyboards as they left the White House?  Now that was a real “rebellion”. 

It wasn’t just a riot.  It was a crime in and of itself – attempting to disrupt the Congress.  Had it been just slightly more “successful”, and actually captured Mike Pence or Nancy Pelosi or the “Old Jew” Chuck Schumer (his words yesterday), it would have succeeded in decapitating our legislative branch of government.  Don’t forget, the gallows were already erected on the Capitol lawn.


It is a truth of our current political world, that there are two different universes of what we call “facts”.   So here are the Fox News headlines from yesterday, the first anniversary of “the Insurrection” (just a “riot” to them).

  • Kalm Before the Storm
    • Harris announces new shake-up after VP office plagued with reports of dysfunction and infighting
    • Ari Fleischer rips Kamala Harris for comparing 1/6 to 9/11, Pearl Harbor.  ‘It is a ridiculous comparison’
  • Mission Failed
    • Biden ripped for continued COVID failures after presser
  • MSNBC anchor flies off handle after Republican stands firm on GOP Future
    • MSNBC’s Wallace ‘gob-smacked’ more kids haven’t gotten COVID vaccine
  • Teacher’s Pets
    • Watch hosts on liberal squawk box defend unions refusing to work
  • Get the Buc Out
    • Whiplash from player’s future after another 180 over shirtless tantrum
  • Watch:  group holds candlelight vigil on one-year mark of Capitol Riot (first mention of ceremonies other than Fleischer criticizes Harris)
  • Pence does not join in Democrats Capitol Riot Events
  • Former President responds to Biden’s sharp criticism in Capitol riot speech
  • Dems, media demand you think of Capitol riot in same way as 9/11, Pearl Harbor…even the Holocaust

The Middle

I’m not going to compare that to MSNBC.  Not to be snarky, but it isn’t MSNBC’s leading commentator being asked to testify to the January 6th Committee (though that is the lead article on the MSNBC website).   But let’s look at the “center” of the “media bias” chart – Newsweek.

  • Republican Rifts on display as GOP Lawmakers respond to Jan 6 Anniversary
  • January 6 Anniversary live updates:  Vigil Underway on Capitol Steps
  • Donald Trump didn’t run the January 6th Riot.  So why did it happen?
    • Jan 6 timeline – from Trump’s first tweet, Speech to Biden’s Certification
    • Donald Trump was the true winner of Jan 6
    • Remembering the January 6 Capitol Deaths, from Brian Sicknick to Ashli Babbitt
  • Biden’s Former Health advisers urge him to change COVID strategy.

The Lead

Just out of curiosity – which news outlets “led” with the President’s speech?

  • The New York Times – Year after riot, Biden denounces Trump as divide endures
  • The Wall Street Journal – Biden assails Trump over Jan 6 Riot, Efforts to Overturn Election Results
  • The Washington Post – Biden blasts Trump on Jan 6 Anniversary
  • NBC News – Biden condemns Trump’s ‘web of lies’ and directly blames him for Capitol riot and election turmoil
  • NPR News – President Biden blasts Trump for ‘spreading a web of lies’ in Jan 6 speech
  • St Louis Post Dispatch – Democracy held on Jan 6, Trump failed: Biden marks anniversary of attack on Capitol
  • CBS News – Biden’s denounces Trump’s ‘web of lies’
  • Los Angeles Times – Analysis:  For a year, Biden has mostly refused to go after Trump. Until today.
  • Washington Examiner – Avoidance and Remembrance – GOP avoidance and remembrance:  GOP attitudes vary on Jan. 6.

So most of America’s media, even those in the middle and some on the right (Wall Street Journal, Washington Examiner) recognized the obvious.  What happened on January 6th, 2021 was important, and is not “over”. President Biden recognizes that, and so do the Law Enforcement Agencies who are tasked with protecting our government.  But if your primary news sources are Fox News or Newsmax, or The New York Post, I guess nothing happened. According to the Post, the first mention of January 6th was six stories down, about Ashli Babbitt, the woman shot by Capitol Police.  Her mother is defending her actions.

Two Worlds

The problem always was, different points of views, different visions for America.  That’s what our country has been about since before Hamilton and Jefferson started arguing in Washington’s Cabinet.  And even they found a “middle ground”: the Capitol in the South, the Federal government to fund the American debt (In the Room where it happens).   

But when they are different bodies of “facts”, it’s hard to find any common ground.  Here’s the obvious example.  How do we explain what happened on January 6th?

To one side, there is a sincere belief that they were following the “orders” of the President of the United States.  They were told to “defend their country”,  and as  believing Patriots, they thought that’s what they were doing.  They “legitimately” felt betrayed by Vice President Pence, and saw the actions of Speaker Pelosi and Democrats in general as literal traitors.  And they select (or the algorithms select for them) the media that reinforces their view.

To the other side there is a similarly sincere belief:  that they won the election and saved the Nation from a catastrophic second term of President Trump.  They know there wasn’t a “stolen” election, and they don’t understand why the other side thinks there was.  And the media – from center to left, supports their views (and the algorithms make sure they keep seeing it).   

I’m Right

It is easy to say, “I’m right, you’re wrong, get over it”.  But, of course, there is no way to prove who’s right to the other side, if there are no commonly accepted facts.   Joe Biden hoped to find a way to unite “the middle” against the edges, but it seems that the information bias has made that impossible.  Hillary Clinton was excoriated for her “basket of deplorables” description, but she was only saying “out loud” what her side is still thinking.  

Biden, in his speech today said:

We are in a battle for the soul of America. A battle that, by the grace of God and the goodness and gracious — and greatness of this nation, we will win. Believe me, I know how difficult democracy is. And I’m crystal clear about the threats America faces. But I also know that our darkest days can lead to light and hope.

I’m not sure how we’re going to do that. 

 I sure hope Joe Biden can figure it out.

Author: Marty Dahlman

I'm Marty Dahlman. After forty years of teaching and coaching track and cross country, I've finally retired!!! I've also spent a lot of time in politics, working campaigns from local school elections to Presidential campaigns.