The Biden Train


The most patient friend I ever had often used the phrase, “You’re either on the bus, or you’re off the bus”. It was her way of explaining commitment – either you are in, or you’re not.  Or, as Mr. Miyagi of Karate Kid fame said, “Karate Yes, Ok. Karate No, Ok.  Karate, Maybe – squish, just like grape”.  

But, as we all know, President Biden is not a “bus guy”, and probably doesn’t do Karate. Biden is a “train guy”. For thirty years as a US Senator, he rode the train from his home in Wilmington, Delaware to Washington to work, every day. It was about an hour and a half, one way, and now costs $39 for a round trip ticket.

Biden originally did it so that he could be home with his kids each evening. But ultimately enjoyed the work time on the train, and the opportunity to sleep in his own bed each night. He would probably take the train home today, but the Secret Service can’t secure the route for Presidential use without disrupting the whole network.

Leaving the Station

President Biden didn’t tell Congressional Democrats to “get on the bus” yesterday as he tried to close the infra-structure, “Build-Back-Better” deal. Nope – he told them essentially to “Get on Board, the Biden Build-Back-Better train is leaving the station”. Some Democrats hesitated again, making the Party of the New Deal and the Great Society look like a bunch of squabbling seventh graders. But the Presidential message, delivered in person to the House Democrats and on television to the Nation, was clear. The “framework” for the “deal” is done. You can nit-pick some details, but here’s the train, ready to leave the station. Democrats: whether Socialists, Progressives, Liberals, Moderates, a West Virginia conservative or whatever Kyrsten Sinema is (a Progressive in the pocket of big Pharma); must get on board.

If they do, then the Democratic Party can present to the nation improved Medicare and health care, education and housing, immigration and tax credits.  And more importantly, Democrats can honestly say they are taking care of the future. Or, as Speaker Pelosi would say, “the children, the children, the children”.  In the “package” is guaranteed pre-school for every child, affordable day-care, and most importantly, the biggest national investment in our climate and clean energy in history, over $500 Billion.  

Campaign Message

And after passing the plan, Democrats can say they did it without a single Republican vote.  The Democratic Party will be the Party that got something done to make America better, for ourselves and the children.  And what about the Republican Party? Well they will be the Party that stood against climate, against children, against tax relief for the middle and lower class, and against hearing aids for senior citizens.  Oh yeah, and the Party that gave all the rich guys a tax break.

Or four House and three Senate Democrats can guarantee a Republican Congress in 2022, and perhaps a Republican White House in 2024.  

Closing the Deal

Four House Democrats are the “moderate” Dems, struggling to make the “Build-Back-Better” deal.  They are all for the smaller “bipartisan” Infra-structure deal (though hardly bipartisan in the House), but all “a-twitter” about the bigger package.  They need to get over that, and find their seat in the “club car”:  the train whistle is blowing.

And three Senators:  the conservative Democrat from West Virginia and the confused Democrat from Arizona.  The plan has been crafted specifically to their wants and desires.  They already have a “first class” seat on the train.  They need to take their winnings and get on board.  After the vote, they can go home and campaign, telling their constituents how important they are, and why they should be returned to Washington.  And they’ll be right.

The Conductor

Oh, I did say three Senators.  We haven’t talked about the “Independent” Democrat from Vermont, Bernie Sanders.  Bernie is telling his Progressive colleagues in both the House and the Senate, not to vote for the “bipartisan” deal without having the “Build-Back-Better” deal in hand.  He doesn’t trust those four House members, and more importantly, Manchin and Sinema.  

He’s afraid they are “train-jumpers”.  They’ll take the bipartisan deal then all of a sudden come up with some excuse to leave the rest behind, and kill the Build-Back-Better, much larger package.  And he’s got every reason to be concerned.  

If Joe Biden is the engineer driving this train, then Bernie Sanders is the angry (isn’t he always angry?) conductor on the platform, driving passengers into the cars so they can all depart.  He’s not leaving any baggage left behind, so he’s making sure everyone is on board, for the whole trip.  It’s not often I feel like Bernie Sanders is a “Democratic Leader,” but on this one he’s right.  Better to hold the train up, even for a few more days, than fail.  Or worse, to pass the small package, and get tricked into leaving the “Biden Plan” behind.

What’s At Stake

It’s not just about the future of the world climate.  Or about getting kids the best opportunity to succeed in the 21st Century.  Or even fixing the bridges that are falling down, the roads that are dissolving, or the airports that are overcrowded and delayed.

It’s about assuring the nation that there is a reasonable alternative to the Party of the Insurrection. That the “squabbling” Democrats, in the end, can govern. And on that, may hang the fate of our Democracy.

Get on Board. 

Author: Marty Dahlman

I'm Marty Dahlman. After forty years of teaching and coaching track and cross country, I've finally retired!!! I've also spent a lot of time in politics, working campaigns from local school elections to Presidential campaigns.