New York, New York

For those who read Our America and wondered where Tuesday’s essay was – it was finals of the Men’s Olympic Pole Vault – even the dishes didn’t get done!!!!!!

Press Conference

Here’s one – let’s talk about a major political figure who should resign for his conduct – and his name isn’t Trump.  But here’s a spoiler alert – that’s not going to happen.

New York State Attorney General Letitia James had a major press event yesterday, where she presented her office’s findings of sexual harassment accusations against Governor Andrew Cuomo.  “(It) revealed a pattern of criminal conduct”.  But James did not in fact file any charges, civil nor criminal against Cuomo.  Instead, she presented her investigation, full of evidence of wrong doing ranging from unwanted kisses, to accusations of  criminal groping.  

She dropped it on the people of New York and the nation, and said it could “be used” by any victim who wanted to file a civil suit, or picked up by a District Attorney that wanted to consider charges.  In fairness, her office doesn’t have general prosecution powers in criminal actions.  But she could file civil cases, and she could file corruption of government civil charges.  Instead, she presented an incredibly damning investigation, like throwing raw meat in the lions’ cage, and walked away.

Due Process

It’s a lot like former FBI Director James Comey’s 2016 summer press conference announcing that there would be no charges against Hillary Clinton. After he announced the FBI was done, he then explained all of the terrible things that Secretary Clinton did.  There was no place for Clinton to defend herself, no trial before a judge and jury.  Comey condemned her, then pardoned her.

AG James yesterday was judge, jury and executioner.  

It’s possible that the Albany District Attorney may take up criminal charges, as he has local jurisdiction.  And the New York State Legislature could use the investigation as the basis for impeachment of the Governor.  Or this investigation could serve as the basis for individual lawsuits filed by the victims.  But one thing is for sure – Andrew Cuomo isn’t going to resign.

Franken and Northam

The lesson learned is the “Al Franken” story.  Senator Franken was accused of inappropriate conduct (not illegal conduct) and there was evidence that it might be true.  The Senator did “the right thing”, especially in the context of the Alabama special election, when statutory rape was an issue for Republican Judge Roy Moore. Franken resigned his seat in the Senate.  But regardless of the “minimal” offenses Franken was accused of, and despite his abject apologies:  once he resigned, his political career was over. 

Andrew Cuomo is sixty-two years old.  He has been the Governor of New York for over a decade.  Just a few months ago, he was a possible 2024 Presidential candidate should Biden not run.  Now, he’s just hanging onto his current job, maybe not even through the 2022 election.  But one thing is for sure.  If he resigns, his political career is at an end.  If Al Franken couldn’t come back from the Roger Stone generated charges of “inappropriate touching”, then for sure a resigned Cuomo is done, retired from public office for life (much like his predecessor who was  caught soliciting prostitution, Eliot Spitzer). 

And then there’s Ralph Northam, Governor of Virginia.  Northam wore blackface as a college student.  That’s bad; but when the pictures were revealed, he botched the response.  First, he denied them, then he apologized, then he really wasn’t sure.  By the time he was done, everyone (including me) was calling for his “head”.  But Northam (and the other senior government officials caught up in the mess) just stayed.  They didn’t resign,  they put their heads down and went to work.   And they’re still in office today.


And for those who note that the State Legislature, the Attorney General, and the Governor are all in the same political party:  beware.  The Democrats of New York are exceptionally good at self-immolation.  It was only a few years ago that Democrats gained a majority in the State Senate, and then several Democratic members defected to vote for the Republican leadership. 

They have returned to the fold – but the fissures in the state party remain.  For example, Cuomo is the Governor, but Bill DeBlasio, also a Democrat and Mayor of New York City, are often at odds.  Just being a “Democrat” doesn’t mean loyalty in the Empire State. 

The New York Assembly might impeach, or they might end up in a typical New York political scrum.


The Governor is likely to use the “Old Italian” defense.  “Old Italians” are physical:  kissing and hugging women, men and children indiscriminately.   “It was OK in my day” is the argument; the “Me Too” movement changed the rules and he didn’t catch on.   Bill Cosby used a similar kind of defense.  

But the world has changed in the past four years.  And it was NEVER OK to grope women, even as an “Old Italian Man”.   But there will be some sympathy for the “Love Gov”, the now unfortunate nickname coined by his CNN host brother, Chris.  It was in “better days”; the middle of the pandemic crisis.

Chris – “I’ve seen you referred to a little bit recently as the Love Gov…”

 Andrew – “I’ve always been a soft guy, I am the Love Gov. I’m a cool dude in a loose mood. You know that. I just say let it go. Just go with the flow baby.” (Oprah).

Don’t be surprised if Governor Cuomo doesn’t “go with the flow” and ignores resignation calls, even from the President of the United States.  He’s got nothing to lose by staying.

Author: Marty Dahlman

I'm Marty Dahlman. After forty years of teaching and coaching track and cross country, I've finally retired!!! I've also spent a lot of time in politics, working campaigns from local school elections to Presidential campaigns.

5 thoughts on “New York, New York”

  1. Retired US Representative from NY, Charlie Rangel had suggested that Cuomo apologize for his behavior and announce that he would not run again for governor of NY. Unfortunately Cuomo didn’t do that. If Cuomo doesn’t resign he maybe impeached. If Cuomo manages to hang in there for the next year and runs for governor again he won’t win.

    1. It’s New York – not so sure he wouldn’t win the General. Depends who runs against him in the Primary. DeBlasio???

      1. Katheryn Garcia. When Mario Cuomo ran for governor in 1982 it was after he lost in the Democratic primary for NYC Mayor to Ed Koch 1977.

      2. Cuomo is losing his popularity from the general public. DeBlasio is not very popular. Most people think DeBlasio was not an effective mayor. This leaves it open for new people to run for governor. That seems kind of exciting.

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