Florida Man

“If you’ve got them by the balls, their hearts and minds will follow” – Teddy Roosevelt

Your Lying Ears

We all heard it.  Mitch McConnell followed his impeachment acquittal vote with an impassioned (for Mitch) speech condemning the ex-President’s actions.  Lindsey Graham told us all in the late evening of January 6th:  “…All I can say is enough is enough.  Count me out”.  Even House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said, “The president bears responsibility for Wednesday’s attack on Congress by mob rioters…”

Yet all three today are back to support the ex-President, now a “Florida Man”.  McConnell says he would support him if he earned the Republican nomination in 2024.  Graham has made a pilgrimage to Mara Lago, to play golf and mend fences.  And McCarthy has literally rewritten the events of January 6th, and now is supporting the Florida Man’s candidate for Republican Caucus Chairman of the House against the most “establishment” Republican ever, Liz Cheney.  

Over and over again you hear folks of my persuasion, that is the Democratic persuasion, say:  “What the Hell is wrong with those guys?  They had chance after chance to get rid of ‘that Florida Man’ but instead they ask forgiveness and go right back to him.  He’s like the Godfather, or an opiate drug.  ‘Every time I get away, they pull me back in.’” (At least, I say.)


There are lots of possible factors.  Some, like Graham, may somehow be compromised.  Graham accepted a ton of NRA money, money we later learned came directly from Russia.  That’s not well known in the world, and perhaps there is other “dirt” in Florida strong enough, or different enough, to bury Graham for good.  And we know that McCarthy and McConnell are trying to lead their minority caucuses, many of whom are “Florida Man” adherents.  “There go my people, I must follow them, for I am their leader,” seems to be the only solution they can find.

But I think the Florida Man’s grip on the Republican anatomy is much more immediate than just “kompromat” or even money.  And it’s much more dangerous.

Fifty-five percent of Republicans believe that the Florida Man won the 2020 Presidential election.  And that majority of the Party is an even larger percentage of the voters in the Republican Primaries.  So it’s pretty simple really.  The fundamental question for most politicians is:  how do I win the next election?  And if that politician is a candidate in a Republican Primary, the easiest way to win is to support the leader the voters support – the Florida man.


Look at the Republican race for retiring Ohio Senator Rob Portman’s seat. The two early leaders, former Party Chairman Jane Timken, and former State Treasurer Josh Mandel, were once mainstream Republicans, even supporters of now ex-communicated former Governor John Kasich.

But now, both are literally falling over each other to demonstrate almost religious fealty to Florida man. It’s all about winning, and the celestial highway to a Republican nomination, though maybe not to victory in the general election, passes through the front door of the club at Mara Lago.

The Big Lie

The Mara Lago “machine” is building an essential case to back their “Big Lie”.  Republican gerrymandering has created a “fundamentalist” majority in multiple state legislatures, who now are backfilling the false election claims by creating fake investigations.  The Arizona “Cyber Ninja” investigation of the Maricopa County vote is just one example.  Not only does this legitimize the false claims, but it also provides a strong base for fundraising.  Millions of dollars will pour into Florida Man accounts, whether they are used for his own campaign, or to back his acolytes.  That money becomes even more important because what’s donated to Florida Man is money not available for other Republican candidates – adherents of the “Big Lie” or not. 

But that majority of Republicans believing in the “Big Lie” is all around us.  Republicans who recognize the truth are so marginalized in their own Party, that they are shouted down.  Look at Mitt Romney last week at the Utah State Republican Convention, or Cheney, or the early retirements of Portman or Toomey of Pennsylvania.  If the Democratic Party is the “Big Tent” Party, from Bernie Sanders to Joe Manchin, the Republican Party is the “Blind Faith” Party.  Open eyes are not acceptable to the rank and file.

Most of the Republicans in Washington know in their minds that this brand of fanaticism isn’t good for their Party or the nation. Their eyes might be open, and, in their hearts, they want a better choice for the American people.

But those aren’t the body parts that the Florida Man is holding.


Florida Man

If you haven’t played the “Florida Man” game before – here’s how it works. Take you birthday, and Google it and the words “Florida Man”. It’s a lock to be bizarre.

My Birthday – Shirtless Florida man travels to Myrtle Beach to head bang during Hurricane Florence
Jenn’s Birthday – Florida woman sentenced to probation after pulling live alligator from her pants during traffic stop

Author: Marty Dahlman

I'm Marty Dahlman. After forty years of teaching and coaching track and cross country, I've finally retired!!! I've also spent a lot of time in politics, working campaigns from local school elections to Presidential campaigns.