Inverted Thinking


Who would be an extreme, radical character in support of Democrats in general and the “left wing” of the Party in particular?  If we had to choose one person who might represent that image, “the man” is Markos Moulitsas.  He’s the owner and manager of The Daily Kos, a liberal news outlet with 2.6 million subscribers, and over 8 million views a month.  Want to know the unabashedly liberal side of a story:  check out what The Daily Kos has to say.  Want to know what Democratic politician has “run afoul” of the left wing of the Party – again, it’s all in The Daily Kos.

Today’s headlines are good examples of what you can expect.  

  • – Its not rare:  Fox News again sends conservatives into a panic with a new high-steaks hoax (no mistake – it’s about meat policy)
  • – Kevin McCarthy helped promote election lies.  Now he’s trying to whitewash the resulting insurrection
  • – Nicolle Wallace on Republicans:  Fear of Trump was the excuse.  We were wrong,  They are Trump.
  • – Rick Santorum explains how white Christians built this country all by themselves.
  • – AOC on the first 100 days:  “Biden has definitely exceeded expectations that progressives had”.

You get it.  It’s not quite Fox News in reverse – I would argue that The Daily Kos is much more “fact based”.  But the “slant” is definitely there.  Bernie is the ultimate hero.

So if I wanted to pick an organization to investigate Republican shenanigans in the elections, and I wanted to make sure they came back with a result I would agree with, Markos and the Daily Kos team are exactly who I would chose.


And it is exactly what they would do.  But I don’t think I would have the temerity, the “Chutzpah,” to claim that they were an unbiased source.  And I certainly wouldn’t feel it was right to spend public funds to get a predetermined answer.   

But the Republicans in the Arizona State Senate have no such concerns.  They are willing to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars in Arizona taxes, in addition to perhaps millions of dollars in privately raised funds, on an “audit” of the 2020 Arizona election results.  Or more specifically, two state-wide election results:  Joe Biden’s victory in the Presidential election, and Mark Kelly’s victory in the Senate race.  Gee – the two races where Democrats won statewide.

This is after the Arizona Supreme Court rejected all of the claims of election fraud or irregularities, and after the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors were forced by subpoena to hand over the ballots by a local judge.  Did I tell you they were only checking Maricopa County – the largest in the State and where the Democrats won by the biggest margins? 

Cyber Ninjas

The Arizona Senate wants a “full hand count” of the 2.1 million ballots, and they’ve got “the man” to do it.  They’ve hired the absolutely serious sounding company named Cyber Ninjas (not a misteak there either), founded by Doug Logan.  As the Arizona Mirror notes:

“(Logan advocated the) Stop the Steal” movement (and) repeatedly alleged on social media that the election was rigged against former President Donald Trump.

And as Logan himself tweeted:

“I’m tired of hearing people say there was no fraud. It happened, it’s real, and people better get wise fast,” (AZmirror).

The Arizona Republican State Senators know what they want, and Doug Logan will deliver it to them.  He has less “neutrality” in the issue then Markos would have.  Oh, and one last point.  Cyber Ninja is a computer security firm, with no specific understanding of ballots, election law, or auditing elections.  We’ve got a company that doesn’t know what it’s doing, a company leader who already has reached his conclusions, and a State Senate willing to spend public money to get the pre-determined answer they’re looking for.  Guess what – they’ll find that the Maricopa results were fraudulent.

Foundation of Fraud

And since we all know that’s BS, it doesn’t really matter, does it?  The answer is yes.

The Republican in the Michigan State Senate are looking to Cyber Ninja to step in and muddy their 2020 results.  Don’t be surprised if the Republican State legislators in Pennsylvania try to get them in as well.  Because this is the “back-filling” of the Big Lie – that the 2020 election was a Trump victory ripped away by Democratic perfidy.  In hundreds of cases, the Federal and State Courts threw out Trump’s claims, including “his own” US Supreme Court.  But now, there will be the false underpinning of Cyber Ninja “facts” to prove it.  And with over sixty percent of Republicans still believing that the election was stolen (NPR), it means that Trumpism and “fake news” isn’t anywhere near being over.

Markos Moulitsas and the Daily Kos would be less biased.  And our nation won’t be able to move on from the turmoil of Trump.

Author: Marty Dahlman

I'm Marty Dahlman. After forty years of teaching and coaching track and cross country, I've finally retired!!! I've also spent a lot of time in politics, working campaigns from local school elections to Presidential campaigns.