On Day One

The Countdown

There are 269 days to the November election, and 337 days until the Inauguration in 2021.  It’s hard to imagine what will happen in the next few months, and questions certainly loom large.  

  • Can the Democratic Party find a candidate they can unite behind?
  • Will the campaigns be so distorted by social media manipulation that Americans will be unable to make a valid choice?  
  • Will the actual election counting be somehow altered?
  • If President Trump loses, what damage will he do in the last two months in office?
  • Will Donald Trump attempt to subvert actual losing results and remain in office anyway?
  • And, most importantly, if somehow Donald Trump wins a second term, what can be done to protect the country from losing our democracy?

These questions threaten the very fabric of the American Republic.  But should it all fall “into place” for the Democrats, and they recognize that defeating Donald Trump is more important than the much smaller ideological spaces from Bloomberg to Bernie and unite together, then a Democrat will take office in 337 days.  And what should she do?

Whoever Wins

There are two Democratic candidates who have made a fundamental issue of waking up on that first day in office.  Amy Klobuchar and Pete Buttigieg have both campaigned on not just beating Donald Trump, but on what they would do when dawn breaks on that “new” America.  But whoever wins, here’s my list of what needs to be done.

Before the new President even takes office, she will demonstrate her awareness of the damage done by Donald Trump’s nepotism, by not hiring any family members for executive jobs, other than their spouse as the “first whatever”.  The President will pledge to extend existing nepotism laws to include unpaid White House staff positions.  What was a “norm” that could be violated now must be a regulation.

Justice Department

Day One should begin in the place where our democracy is most threatened.  It should begin with defending the rights of citizens, and the rule of law.  The President should travel to the Justice Department with the new Attorney General, and present an agenda unraveling the current subverting of our justice system.

In Federal Courts, the position of the Government of the United States in many cases will be reversed.   Regarding Congressional subpoenas, the Government will now stand for enforcing those orders instead of obstructing them.  On the Affordable Care Act, the Government will support the plan instead of trying to remove it.  

On immigrants at the Southern Border, the United States will now enforce the treaty obligations already agreed to, and refugees will be treated according to the United Nations conventions.  And on lawsuits about LGBTQI rights, the United States needs to be on the side of those that need the most protection.

Attorney General 

The Attorney General will review all previous Presidential Pardons for “Presidential corrupt intent”.   Those found to be made to avoid potential Presidential criminal prosecution would immediately be appealed to the Federal Courts.  Yes, this will create a new standard for Executive pardons, but the Founding Fathers did not intend this power to serve as a shield for Presidential corruption.  The case needs to be made that the 
“presumption of reasonable intent” standard for Presidential pardons no longer applies.

The AG will also recommend to the Congress enabling legislation to enforce the emoluments clause of the Constitution, giving the Supreme Court “teeth” to enforce those laws against a future President.  The “norms” of the past are no longer enough.

And the President and the Attorney General must pledge, much as President Gerald Ford and his General Edward Levi did, that a wall will separate the President from the Justice Department, and that political influence will be stopped.  In addition, both will agree to take legislative action to create laws instead of “norms” to enforce that separation.


The President then will walk along the National Mall.  Along the way, she will stop at the National Archives to view the original Constitution, and rededicate herself to document she has sworn to serve and protect.  She will then proceed to the headquarters of the Environmental Protection Agency.  Alongside her will be the new EPA Administrator, along with the Secretaries of Energy, Housing and Urban Development and Treasury, the new Democratic Majority Leader of the Senate and the Democratic Speaker of the House.  All of them will walk to demonstrate their dedication to changing US climate change policy.  

Upon reaching the EPA, the President will announce the reinstatement of pollution enforcement regulations removed by the Trump Administration.  The Energy Secretary will announce an energy alternative initiative, focusing on increasing solar and wind power.  The Treasury Secretary will add substantial tax incentives with the intent of creating residences with net zero carbon footprints.  In addition, the President will announce that the United States will rejoin the Paris Accord, and reassert the carbon emission standards established by the Obama Administration.  

Along with the Speaker and the Majority Leader, the President will also announce an initiative designed to rebuild the water and sewer infrastructure in America’s cities.  Top priority will be Flint, Newark, Fort Lauderdale and other cities in environmental crisis from aging and failing pipelines.

And that’s all before lunch.

Homeland Security

Back at the White House, the President will meet with the new Homeland Security Secretary.  They will announce that the Department will begin a highest priority program to reunite all children separated from their parents.  If the parents are outside the United States, either the children can be returned to them, or they will be brought to the children.  

In addition, the Secretary will announce a new enforcement protocol for ICE.  They will concentrate on removing illegal immigrants from the United States who have committed felonies beyond those of illegal border crossing and avoidance.  Highest priority will be placed on the most serious felonies, and ICE will no longer target those whose only offense is illegal border crossings.

And Homeland Security will announce a new initiative towards securing the election process in the United States.  While the electoral process will remain under state control, the Department will develop protocols to protect them from domestic or foreign interference.

Oh, and we will stop building “the Wall”.

Press Secretary

The White House Press Secretary will hold a press conference in the White House pressroom on day one in the White House.  That will begin a press policy of daily formal interaction with the press, ending the practice of “helicopter press gaggles”.  While the Press Secretary is speaking, the President herself will step in, and pledge to meet with the press on a regular basis, at least monthly, as well as granting greater White House personnel access to the press. 

Vice President 

The Vice President will be tasked with reviewing all the actions of the Trump Administration, particularly all of the Executive Orders issued by President Trump.  He or she will then recommend to the President what orders need to be repealed or altered, and what replacements need to be made.  The review and recommendations need to be concluded in the first thirty days of the Administration.

And the day will conclude with a cabinet meeting, where the President will discuss how the United States can regain its place of trust in the world.

And that’s just on Day One.

Author: Marty Dahlman

I'm Marty Dahlman. After forty years of teaching and coaching track and cross country, I've finally retired!!! I've also spent a lot of time in politics, working campaigns from local school elections to Presidential campaigns.