Thoughts on Impeachment

History will Hear

Listening to the speeches on the Floor of the House of Representatives on this day, the third Impeachment in American History, I believe that both sides are speaking for more than just their Congressional allies.  Sure, some, almost all, are speaking for their thirty-second campaign ad next year.  And at least half of the speakers are addressing one particular audience, the disgruntled man listening in the Oval Office.

But some, on both sides, are speaking to history.  Some Republicans truly believe, not in the President, but in the process of the House.  They see the Democratic willingness to sacrifice witnesses for speed as a gross abuse of due process.  I think they make a valid point; it might have been better to go through the entire court process, subpoenas, appeals, and judicial decisions.  Perhaps then the critical witnesses, Mulvaney and Bolton, might have been forced to answer to the Congress.  I will be shocked and surprised if the Senate trial requires their presence. 

A Clock and a Calendar

But Democrats also have a point, despite Congressman Doug Collins throwing his slogan, “a clock and a calendar” around like some debilitating curse.  The clock does not stop at Christmas; the calendar is not the Democratic primaries.  The countdown is to the 2020 election.  If Donald Trump continues to try to “rig” elections, then it is incumbent on the Congress to stop him as soon as possible.

Of course there have been a fair share of political nonsense.  One Congressman called the Democrats “swamp creatures”, another “socialists and communists”.  And speaking of “swamp creatures”, there’s been more than anyone’s fair share of crocodile tears shed.  And the consistent refrain:  “DEMOCRATS are overturning the ‘will of the people’, 63 million people.”  As a DEMOCRAT whose candidate got 65 million votes, I find that argument pretty flawed.

But there has been some oratory as well.  

Advanced American History – 2055

We should juxtapose Adam Schiff’s introductory speech in favor of impeachment on the floor of the House, with the President’s letter of yesterday.  I think that is the essence of the issue:  Schiff combined history, the Constitution, and facts to make his case.  The President, well, claimed that he was doing a good job and is a victim (for a full analysis see yesterday’s essay on the Letter).

Schiff continues to be the Republican bête noire, as if he wasn’t worthy of appearing in the House.  “He’s getting America drunk on his favorite cocktail:  cherry picking witnesses and a total ‘Schiff Show’”, said one Republican. But the Congressman from California continues to be “Teflon”, criticism bouncing off his shoulders, and responding to each attack with reasoned answers.  Most Republicans have avoided crossing verbal swords with him.

Then there were the crazies:  the gentleman with the great red map, saying that the blue zones on the coasts were driving “his President” from office.  It kind of felt, well, racist. And Congressman Louie Gohmert of Texas, warning all of us of the Ukrainian attacks on the US elections in 2016.  When he was called on that Russian-backed myth, you could hear him bellowing in the background.  You wonder whether the young pages dragged him off the floor.

Partisanship and DEMONCRATS

But the Republican Congressman from North Dakota nailed it.  A partisan-divide plagues our nation.  I don’t expect his solutions for that would please the Democrats, but he has identified the problem accurately.  But we have come far down this path, for a decade or more, to “fix” this on Thursday morning in the House chamber as the gentleman from North Dakota hopes.

Another thing I’ve noticed:  so many old white men in the Republican caucus, so many who will not live to see 2040 and what their actions have wrought.  And they throw the word “DEMOCRAT” like it is some kind of curse, like my Facebook friend who’s addicted to the word “DEMONCRAT”.  While the old guys throw around words like “shameful” and “sham”, I come back to my younger friends favorite phrase:  things will be better when the “old white guys” are gone.  

House Minority Whip Steve Scalise got to make a closing argument.  In the middle, he spoke of the 63 million Trump voters that Democrats hate.  He got a bunch of cheers from the other “old white guys”, and they had to be gaveled down.  I guess polarization goes both ways.  

Wrapping it Up

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer then came to the floor.  He too is an old white guy, but a Democratic old white guy.  He brings up the votes, but states that Trump was elected legitimately.  All of the policies differences aren’t reasons to impeach said the Congessman from Maryland.  It is Mr. Trump’s conduct that has forced the House to vote for impeachment – against its wishes.  Leader Hoyer made a compelling case for searching one’s conscience.  

Then Congressman Collins took his turn, bringing the same tired arguments we’ve heard from him for weeks:  clock and calendars, drive-by hacks, chaos and mob rule.  We, the minority are “the brave” he claims, we have stood up to the “Demoncrats”.  How quickly he forgets the halcyon days of Darrell Issa, Devin Nunes, and Trey Gowdy; of emails and text messages and Fast and Furious.  Collins gave his pep talk, then handed off to Leader McCarthy.

Collins is the fire and brimstone preacher, damning Democrats to Hell.  McCarthy – well oratory isn’t his best thing.  He states we are “all American”, choosing whether impeachment is damaging our nation, or will we only use it when it fits “our” definition.  Whatever that definition is, it obviously doesn’t fit Kevin McCarthy’s needs now.  

He quotes Jonathan Turley a lot.  That probably boosts the good professor’s ego quite a bit, that seems to be his thing anyway.

But who will get the “last word”?  My bet is on Nancy Pelosi.

Nope – it’s the “Demoncrat” himself – Adam Schiff: Hot Damn!!!

The Republican defense, the sound and the fury signify nothing.  In the end, it’s all about “why should we care?”  Schiff calls them out saying we used to stand up for our allies, we used to stand against Putin and Russia. We used to.  

 And in closing, Mr. Schiff said: “No one is above the law.  What is at risk here, is the very idea of America.  That we are a nation of laws not of men, we are a nation that believes in the rule of law”.


Donald John Trump is the third President in history to be impeached.  Now the political games begin at the highest level.  Speaker Pelosi dangled the possibility of holding the impeachment articles, not sending them to the Senate until the Senate Majority Leader guarantees a trial.  

Leader McConnell throws back that he will not agree to any terms.  So what will happen?

In all likelihood, the Senate will hold a short trial, followed by an “acquittal” of the President.  In all likelihood, President Trump will continue to invite foreign interference in our elections.  

So while Mr. McConnell claims the Senate has the ultimate say, in reality the people will have the say – in November of 2020.  We can only hope that our judgment will be so one-sided, that it will overwhelm the undue influence of Russia (if your listening), Ukraine (do us a favor) or China. 

Author: Marty Dahlman

I'm Marty Dahlman. After forty years of teaching and coaching track and cross country, I've finally retired!!! I've also spent a lot of time in politics, working campaigns from local school elections to Presidential campaigns.