The Unified Theory of Everything

Unified Theory – in particle physics, an attempt to describe all fundamental forces and the relationships between elementary particles in terms of a single theoretical framework.

Too Much Happening

Day to day it’s hard to keep track of what’s going on.  Just Wednesday, President Trump declared “victory” in Syria saying that the United States was responsible for “the peace” (don’t tell Erdogan and Putin.)  Meanwhile, The House Intelligence Committee continued to gather evidence that Trump himself extorted  2020 campaign help from Ukraine, and the “Freedom Caucus” marched into the hearing room to disrupt the proceedings.  

While the Democrats in the House of Representatives are investigating a single facet of President Trump’s behavior as impeachable, there seems to be so much more going on.  And as much as the President wished it were so, the “old news” of the Mueller Report has never been resolved.  All of this seems like so much random stuff; no wonder the American people feel overwhelmed, and unwilling to absorb it all.   

The Center

Syria, Ukraine, hacking into America’s elections, Trump’s Impeachment:  all of these events ultimately orbit around a single force.  The center of our political and global universe seems to be one man.  And it’s not Donald Trump, though he plays a significant role in a lot of it.  The center of our current political universe, the unifying theory of everything, is the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin. 

Mueller Report

We know Russia hacked our elections.  The Mueller Report and the bipartisan Senate Intelligence Committee Report demonstrate in intricate detail how the Internet Research Agency (IRA) in St. Petersburg and Russian Military Intelligence (GRU) broke into the Democratic National Committee servers, stole emails, and fed them to Wikileaks.  We also know that the IRA used social media, most notably Facebook and Twitter, to manipulate the American electorate.  

Social Media

And we know that Cambridge Analytica, working on behalf of the Trump Administration and with their own connections to Russia, was manipulating social media as well.  And for those who haughtily claim that “…Facebook didn’t change my vote,” there is this question.  

The disinformation on Facebook and Twitter was endemic, and divisive.   Even if you never looked at it, how do you know that the people that do influence your vote, or the folks you heard on other media, weren’t influenced?  The drumbeat against Hillary Clinton, from emails, to her health, to “screwing” Bernie Sanders, all had a grain of truth.  But it was all amplified to “11” by the IRA, the Trump campaign and Cambridge Analytica.  All three played off each other, copying and reposting the same explosive memes and statements.  It was an automated and effective operation, giving each a plausible deniability.


And we also know that a close Putin ally, Russian oligarch, Dimitry Firtash, has his hands in several facets of the Trump world.  He employed Paul Manafort in Ukraine, and ultimately Manafort owed him millions.  Manafort worked for the Trump campaign “for free,” but he tried to parlay his efforts into payments for Firtash.  After the Federal charges were made against Manafort, he employed high priced lawyers, even though all of his funds were confiscated.  It seems likely that Firtash paid those bills.

And Firtash’s money is behind the “CrowdStrike” conspiracy, claiming that it wasn’t Russians but Ukrainians who hacked the DNC servers.  And it’s also his money that financed Rudy Guiliani’s search for “proof” of “CrowdStrike” and the Biden’s “corruption” in Ukraine.  He used two Russian/Ukrainian linked Americans, Parnas and Fruman to aid in the effort. They are now under indictment in the United States.  Their real mission, along with Giuliani, was to convince Ukrainian officials to back the false narratives.  It is likely Firtash’s money would pay for it.

The Evidence

Here’s the evidence then:

  • US actions in Syria = Furthering Russian aims
  • election hacking = Russia
  • Social Media Manipulation = Russia
  • Cambridge Analytica ≈ Russia
  • CrowdStrike Conspiracy = Russia
  • Biden Ukrainian “Corruption” = Russia
  • Manafort, Giuliani, Parnas, Fruman = Russia.

Bill Barr

And now the Attorney General of the United States has opened a criminal investigation into the “whistleblowers” that brought Russia’s actions to light.  He is looking into the “origins” of the original investigations into Russia and the Trump campaign.  He is following two “theories.”  

The first is that the CIA set up the FBI  to investigate the Trump Campaign.  They did so by “creating” a false Russian connection, according to the theory.  This supposedly was the first contact, when Joseph Mifsud told Trump operative George Papadopoulos about the hacked DNC emails.  Even though Mueller identified Mifsud as a known Russian agent, Barr believes that he actually worked for the CIA, and was used to “lure” the Trump Campaign into actions that gave the FBI probable cause to start surveillance.

Of course, this “theory” let’s the Trump Campaign off the hook for the hundreds of contacts they had with Russian intelligence outside of Papadopoulos, outlined in the Mueller Report.  And it allows Barr to go after Trump’s favorite enemies:  Comey, McCabe, Strzok, and Ohr; and most importantly, former CIA Director John Brennan.

But it depends on the second “theory,” that the Russians in fact didn’t hack the emails.   “CrowdStrike:”  that the DNC hacks were an elaborate “false flag” operation created by the Obama Administration and the CIA, originating in the Ukraine, to hack and leak their own Democratic Party emails and blame Russia for it.  It makes no sense on its face.

And who benefits most from “CrowdStrike:”  Russia again.

Strike the King

When this is all over (if it ever is all over) the message put forth to our intelligence community is simple:   no matter what the President does, you can’t investigate it.  In fact, no matter what a Presidential campaign does, you can’t investigate it either.  If the intelligence community does, the full weight of the Justice Department will come down.  In fact, the Barr Justice Department has developed a new legal “opinion:”  the President now cannot be indicted, or INVESTIGATED while in office.  

Democracy cannot survive if “the sovereign leader” is beyond the law, beyond investigation, and beyond the reach of the people.  Our political process may be so tainted with Russian influence and money, that the Constitutional process of impeachment and removal may be infeasible.  If our elections are so tainted, and the law cannot reach the President, then what is left of our Constitutional Republic? 

And who benefits most from a failed United States?

Author: Marty Dahlman

I'm Marty Dahlman. After forty years of teaching and coaching track and cross country, I've finally retired!!! I've also spent a lot of time in politics, working campaigns from local school elections to Presidential campaigns.