
Game Night

Here in Ohio the Democratic Presidential candidates are gathering for the fourth debate tonight.  It’s just up the road, in the Columbus suburb of Westerville.  Otterbein University will host tonight’s twelve-candidate extravaganza, and Jenn and I are looking for a “sports bar” nearby that will show the debates.  Beer, wings, and cheering Democrats:  sounds like a great way to spend an evening.

The debates seemed so important just a couple of months ago, but the shadow of impeachment may now obscure the great ideas, “plans for that,” and potential gaffs.  What happens in Chairman Schiff’s Congressional hearing room today is much more immediate and serious than what is said tonight at Otterbein. 

But we will watch.  My hope is that the candidates will continue to provide those great ideas for the future, and not fall into the trap of attacking each other.  The Democrat that echoes President Trump and attacks Joe Biden should be the next out of the race.  Right or wrong, Trump’s actions grant a form of immunity to the former Vice President.  Democrats can argue among themselves, but they need to present a united front towards the Trump campaign.

Trump’s Technique

If there is anyone in politics who should be worried about the action of their children, it’s Donald J. Trump.  Don Junior is trading on the Presidency to increase the profits of the Trump Organization. Ivanka gets favorable trade benefits from China, and son-in-law Jared is bailed out of a billion dollar debt by the Qataris.  

Compared to that, whatever Hunter Biden did or didn’t do is peanuts.

But that’s the Trump plan – take the “wrong” things he does, and project those actions onto his opponents. He accused Vice President Biden of corruptly coercing Ukrainian prosecutors (Trump did that) or Hunter peddling his father’s influence (Don Jr, Eric, Ivanka and Jared do that) or President Obama caging children on the border (Trump did that.)  His strategy deflects the blame and tars his opponents:  the truth has little to do with it.

Ohio’s Referendum

Here in Ohio, the Democratic candidates will get the chance to see some “crazy projection” as well.  A few months ago, the Ohio State Legislature passed a law called the “Ohio Clean Air Program”.  The program doesn’t “clean” Ohio’s air; what it does do is cut incentives for renewable energy programs, and bails out the twice bankrupted First Energy Company, owner of two dated nuclear plants along Lake Erie.  The state will pay $1 Billion to First Energy to maintain the facilities. (Here’s the link to the essay about it.)

Ohio is a “referendum” state.  That means that “the people” can put proposed legislation up for a statewide vote, if they can gather enough signatures on petitions.  To get on the ballot, it requires 265,774 signatures.  The folks who are opposed to the “Clean Air Program” include an awkward combination of natural gas producers, environmentalists and renewable energy producers (including energy giant AEP.)  They are trying to get the signatures to put the “Clean Air Program” on a statewide ballot, where it would likely be recalled.

Red Scare

So the gatherers are out, going door to door to get over a quarter-million legal signatures.  And the folks who supported the “Clean Air Program” in the first place are spending a fortune on television ads, warning Ohioans that “strangers” are coming to get their “personal information” somehow to benefit: China.

China, with pictures of goose-stepping soldiers and President Xi, is being blamed for trying to take control of Ohio’s energy.  It’s not.  The only connection:  some natural gas plants got some construction financing from banks in China.  But it’s another example of projection.  First Energy, the nuclear guys, got financing from Chinese banks too.

But you can sense that old “cold war” feeling here in Ohio.  The “Red Chinese” are coming to knock on your door, and make you sign a petition.  Beijing will have your personal information.  Don’t sign, in fact, call this number to let us know they’ve come for you.


I imagine as they relax in hotel rooms after the debate, some of the Democratic candidates will be asking their staff:  what is that all about?  

Get ready.  Whoever wins the Democratic nomination will face exactly the same tactics.  Democrats are “socialists,” even though that really only describes Bernie Sanders.  Socialists are like Communists (not) and Communists are bad!!!  They’ll take you personal information to Beijing!!  You will be “goose-stepping” down your local Main Street!!

The Trump Administration has nothing to offer when it comes to health insurance.  But they’ll say that Democrats will take yours.  Trump says he will bring back manufacturing to the “rust belt,” but the plants are still closing and moving away.  All of the failures of the past four years will be projected onto the Democrats; it will be Adam Schiff’s or Nancy Pelosi’s fault. 

So, whatever happens tonight at Otterbein, or in the next months in Congress, get ready.  It’s all going to be projected back.

Author: Marty Dahlman

I'm Marty Dahlman. After forty years of teaching and coaching track and cross country, I've finally retired!!! I've also spent a lot of time in politics, working campaigns from local school elections to Presidential campaigns.

2 thoughts on “Projection”

    1. Marty I got both of your emails. I think my replies to you go into your AOL spam filter. sigh….

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