Taking on Jim Jordan

Taking on Jim Jordan

Former Special Counsel Robert Mueller does not want to testify in the House of Representatives. He believes he has said everything that needs to be said in his two volume, 438 page report with thousands of footnotes.  It is complete, carefully worded, and legally sound.  What more could the country want?

Democrats want Mueller to tell the story of his investigation in public, because it is such a compelling account of the actions of Russia and of the Trump campaign and Presidency.  Democrats recognize that most Americans can’t or won’t take the time to read the Report, and, as one of commentators, Chuck Rosenberg said, “…if they won’t read the book, they need to see the movie.”  The “movie” would be a televised hearing with Mueller “on the stand,” testifying and answering questions from a Congressional committee.  Even if Mueller constantly referred back to the Report, his presence, and the visual presentation of his results; are the most effective ways for Democrats to tell the story.

Surprisingly, some Republicans, including the White House, seem to want Mueller to testify as well. The President’s lawyer, Rudy Giuliani stated:

“If they allow [GOP Reps.] Meadows and Jordan and few of the others there, they’ll eviscerate him more than they did Michael Cohen,” “…it would be emotionally satisfying {to have Mueller testify} and in terms of the politics of it, I would love to have him testify. I think he’s afraid to.”

Jordan, Meadows, and the rest of the Freedom Caucus posse are looking forward to their opportunity to “eviscerate” Robert Mueller?  While former Trump lawyer and convicted felon Michael Cohen was a soft target, even he told a compelling story of Trump’s criminality to the Judiciary Committee.  Jordan and the boys faired so badly against other public targets, like James Comey, Peter Strzok, and even Hillary Clinton; they moved their other hearings behind closed doors.  They controlled and cherry-picked information that was released about Andrew McCabe, Bruce Ohrs and Glenn Simpson (of Fusion GPS.)

I don’t think he needs it, but I can give Mr. Mueller some advice on how to take on Jim Jordan.  I have some experience with that exact problem, though in a somewhat different setting.

Jim Jordan may be a whole lot of other things, but here in Ohio he is a high school wrestling legend.  He, and his brothers (and now their offspring) dominated wrestling from St. Paris Graham High School for decades.   Jordan himself was undefeated through three seasons of wrestling, including three state championships, going into his senior year.  Not surprisingly, he was heavily favored to win on a sub-zero night at the finals of the Licking Heights Invitational, against a lesser-known opponent from Watkins Memorial High School named Rob Johnson.

Johnson was a two-time state-placer in his own right, but Jordan was the undefeated clear favorite.  Jordan wrestled with confidence, but Johnson wrestled like a man who had nothing to lose.  It was that reckless abandonment, that willingness to chance all, that led to an enormous upset. Johnson beat Jordan, ending his undefeated high school career.

Jordan went onto to win the state championship in Division II, while Johnson won in Division I.

So, as one of the coaches that helped Johnson that senior year, here’s my advice to Mr. Mueller.

Answer the questions honestly and openly.  Mr. Mueller, you are not a politician, you are a man known as a “straight-shooter.” You know your job as Special Counsel, and your mandate as an investigator.  Don’t let the “posse” lead you into their mythological world of “traitors” and “intelligence coups” created to distract from the very real cooperation with Russia you found in the Trump Campaign.  

You discovered the indiscretions of Strzok, and you removed him.  You took the investigation started by Comey and McCabe, and you continued it (and it may still be going on, for all we know.)  You of all people, know the truth of what happened in the 2016 campaign, and it is your willingness to be open with the American people that will defeat Jordan, Meadows, Goetz and the rest.  

Of all people in American government, we know that the words “reckless abandonment” has never characterized your work.  You are best known for methodical hard work, pushing your staff and yourself to achieve. You turned around the FBI after 9/11, changing it from primarily reactive to pro-active.  But you have the truth, something that the President’s lawyers and the Freedom Caucus have little familiarity with.  

Don’t be afraid to use it. 

Author: Marty Dahlman

I'm Marty Dahlman. After forty years of teaching and coaching track and cross country, I've finally retired!!! I've also spent a lot of time in politics, working campaigns from local school elections to Presidential campaigns.