Food Poisoning

Food Poisoning

So Sunday night I found myself in and out of bed with food poisoning. Lost six pounds – and Monday was spent laying low. Many of my “Trumper” friends will say it wasn’t food poisoning at all – but “Barr Poisoning” — maybe so.

Special Counsel Mueller has found that there was no indictable conspiracy between the Trump Campaign and Russian assets. There’s a far legal cry from not guilty to innocent, but it doesn’t matter. While we still await Mr. Mueller’s actual report, the bottom line is that Russia can no longer be a Democratic focus. Mueller has spoken – regardless of what seemed to be a huge circumstantial case, we need to move on. Dwelling on what he should have found won’t change what has passed, and it won’t win in 2020. We must leave it to historians to determine what happened.

The Trump side demands an apology.  Tell them as soon as we get one from Trey Gowdy, we’ll think about it.  After seven years of Benghazi and now more threats of FISA and Clinton email investigations – don’t bother. There was more than enough probable cause to believe the President was conspiring – it just couldn’t be proved.

And while it is the right, and perhaps the duty of the House of Representatives to investigate the President’s potential obstruction of justice, it would be difficult to convince the nation that there was an involved cover up of a crime that didn’t occur. Americans are common sense people, and “that dog won’t hunt” for most.

So, my disappointed Democratic friends, let’s move on. We celebrated the appointment Mueller as the “umpire,” we can’t complain about the calls. And it’s not like there isn’t plenty to complain about with the Trump Presidency, as my “Trump Friends” point out, it’s onto healthcare, the environment, income inequality, and all of the other issues that a vast majority of Americans can see are being bungled. The “Trumpers” see those as winning issues – but we know they aren’t.

To quote Hamilton – “…if we can get this one right…” we can demonstrate that Trump has done exactly what we knew he would do: make the rich richer, the powerful stronger, and make America “white” again.

That’s enough. Democrats have the answers that the majority of Americans want. Let’s get that done, and not spend time on what might have been.  Get to work!

Author: Marty Dahlman

I'm Marty Dahlman. After forty years of teaching and coaching track and cross country, I've finally retired!!! I've also spent a lot of time in politics, working campaigns from local school elections to Presidential campaigns.