The Impeachment Machine

The Impeachment Machine

Let’s warmup the impeachment machinery.  There’s going to be plenty of use for it, and even the Radical Republicans of the Freedom Caucus are getting ready.  So let’s warmup on an easy case, one that everyone agrees makes sense.  In fact, this case makes so much sense that it’s hard to understand why the President hasn’t exercised his “executive authority” to fire the guy.  But the President has his own reasons for keeping him, so Congress should fire things up!

It starts with the House Judiciary Committee.  Chairman Bob Goodlatte of Virginia is the leader, and several of the Freedom Caucus members are on the majority side, including Louie Gohmert of Texas, Steve King of Iowa, and Ohio’s own Jim Jordan.  They have continually argued against corruption in government, and they were some of the first in line to “drain the swamp.”  Here’s their chance!

No, it’s not President Trump.  Maybe later, if Democrats gain control of the House and the Mueller investigation shows direct conspiracy between Trump and the Russians. But it’s not time, not yet. And it’s not Rod Rosenstein, Deputy Attorney General either, though he seems to be the current target of the Freedom Caucus, and their compromised friend, Devin Nunes,  disreputable Chairman of the Intelligence Committee.

There is a consensus candidate for impeachment, that almost everyone can get behind.  Since Trump won’t fire him – let’s impeach and remove Scott Pruitt, Director of the Environmental Protection Agency.

Talk about draining a polluted swamp.  Pruitt has been the subject of weekly stories about his own personal corruption and aggrandizement.  Here are just some of the charges floating around.

  • Even before he was confirmed as EPA Director, Pruitt was accused of taking direct funds from the Petroleum industry as Attorney General of Oklahoma. Not only did he accept political funding, but he directly used their language for proposed laws, and got a sweetheart deal for an expensive home.
  • Once he arrived in Washington, Pruitt “rented” a trendy Capitol Hill townhouse from a lobbyist for the natural gas industry. His cost, $50/night, and only for the nights he stayed there.  Since Pruitt was often travelling (see below) he had the perfect hotel room.  By the way, getting a hotel room in DC for $50/night would mean staying in a place that the EPA would deem a Superfund Cleanup site.
  • On assuming the Directorship, Pruitt demanded 24/7 security. This was a big change from the past – past Directors got protection from their residence to the EPA and back.  Pruitt wanted full time, full location security protection, causing a huge increase in personnel and obviously raising the cost.  He also wanted a bulletproof desk, and car, and lights and sirens (he tried to use them to get to a dinner reservation on time.)
  • Pruitt had installed in his office a $43000 soundproof phone booth (not a secure communications site – or SCIF – which was upstairs) in order to have “private” conversations.
  • Pruitt flew first class (against government regulations) and used charter and military aircraft. In the first four months his travel cost over $100,000.  His security detail cost even more, as he had full security protection for visits to Disneyland and a football bowl game.
  • Pruitt gave subordinates huge raises, after the White House denied permission to give them. He redirected money from the Clean Water Act.
  • Pruitt exiled or fired EPA administrators who criticized his actions.
  • Pruitt travelled to Algeria to lobby for Natural Gas, an odd position for the EPA Director. The natural gas lobbyist was the owner of his townhouse.

With all of this, why doesn’t the President just fire him?  After all, he’s seems to be able to fire others at a “tweet,” just ask the huge list of former administration officials.  But, there are a couple of compelling reasons for Trump to keep him.

Pruitt is the “man off the bench” to replace Attorney General Jeff Sessions if Trump decides to fire Sessions.  Pruitt, a former state Attorney General, could step in and as a loyal Trumpster; fire Rosenstein, Mueller or whoever else is in the way. In addition, Pruitt’s EPA is deregulating the energy industry, making things good for the petroleum industry (which means the Koch brothers and their huge political fund) as well as encouraging “clean” coal, whatever that means.

So Trump will keep Pruitt. But, if Republicans in Congress, and particularly the “holier than thou” Freedom Caucus, wanted to show that they could “drain the swamp” as promised; Pruitt is the obvious choice.  So crank up the machine:  Impeach Pruitt.





Author: Marty Dahlman

I'm Marty Dahlman. After forty years of teaching and coaching track and cross country, I've finally retired!!! I've also spent a lot of time in politics, working campaigns from local school elections to Presidential campaigns.

One thought on “The Impeachment Machine”

  1. A compelling case. I believe only 1 cabinet member has been impeached, in the 19th century. Plenty more have deserved it over the decades, but certainly this guy rates right up (or down) there!

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