The Real Conspiracy

The Real Conspiracy

As Democrats, Liberals, and “Resistance” members watch the drama unfold in the Trump investigation, there is an entire other “universe of conspiracy” developing.  And while it might seem like “fake news” easily ignored, this universe has the potential for having a real impact on events as they play out with the Mueller investigation.

This alternate universe proffers that the leadership of the FBI, along with President Obama’s Attorney General Loretta Lynch, rigged the investigation into the Clinton emails in order to protect her run for the Presidency.  It also theorizes that the same plotters were working to discredit the Trump candidacy, by beginning an investigation into the possibility of conspiring with Russians, and eavesdropping on at least one Trump advisor, Carter Page.

The evidence is based on the texts of two senior members of the Clinton investigation.  FBI agent Peter Strozk and Department of Justice Attorney Lisa Page engaged in a months long elicit affair, and during that time sent thousands of texts via their Department issued cell phones.  The transcript of those texts became part of an internal investigation and was then “leaked” to Republican Congressmen, who have made portions available to the public.

Based on these texts, some Republicans argue that the Hillary Clinton email investigation was predisposed to find no criminal intent.  It furthers argues that the lead investigator, Strozk, was in league with the Deputy Director of the FBI, Andrew McCabe, as well as Page and others (perhaps FBI Director James Comey) to protect Clinton from criminal indictment. They align these “facts” with the meeting between Bill Clinton and Attorney General Lynch on the tarmac of the Phoenix Airport, where they believe a “deal” was made to protect Hillary.

In addition, some of these same investigators were involved in eavesdropping on Trump foreign policy advisor Carter Page using a FISA warrant.  The officials who signed off on that warrant, including McCabe, Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates, and later Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein; all were participating in “creating” a Russia crisis, with the intent of delegitimizing the Trump campaign and later administration.

Devin Nunes, the Republican chairman of the House Intelligence Committee has been at the forefront of the FISA investigation.  He has received support from many of the members of the “Freedom Caucus;” the far right group of Republican Congressmen led by Mark Meadows of North Carolina. Nunes has demanded that the full documentation for the Carter Page FISA warrant be given to his committee.  That committee, by the way, has concluded its brief investigation into the Russia conspiracy, determining that there was no “collusion” between the Trump campaign and the Russians, despite not hearing testimony from dozens of critical witnesses.

Meadows, joined by Freedom caucus member Jim Jordan of Ohio, is demanding an investigation into the Clinton email investigation.   They argue that the Clinton email investigation results were a “sham”, and that the probable cause to open the Trump investigation was a “sham” as well. They claim that the basis of the Trump investigation was the Steele Dossier, and since that Dossier was paid for by the Clinton campaign, it was tainted and unacceptable as any form of evidence.  The Justice Department and FBI deny that the Steele Dossier was the basis for the investigation.

All of this ignores the real fact that the action of the FBI Director, in re-opening the Hillary Clinton email investigation ten days before the election, was the proximate cause of Clinton’s loss to Trump.  It us hard to see that as an FBI rigged towards Clinton.

Nunes, Meadows, Jordan, and retiring Congressman Trey Gowdy are all continuing to pursue their “alternative” theory.  These are powerful men, and their actions cannot be pushed aside as “wack theories” or “fake news.”  Even if they are unable to make much headway in their pursuit of “facts,” they are continuing the process of delegitimizing the Department of Justice and the FBI.

This has a political effect, in what will ultimately be a political process.  While criminal indictments may be issued against members of the Trump campaign, the President of the United States will likely not be charged.  The only action that can be taken against him is a vote of impeachment by the House of Representatives, and a trial for removal by the Senate.  This is a political process (shrouded in judicial language) with political influences.

If the Freedom Caucus and other Republicans can get a substantial number of Americans to believe that the entire Department of Justice is “rotten,” then the Mueller investigation will be tarred as well.  If the FBI was plotting against Trump, then certainly the Mueller team is doing the same, and it will be up to the Republicans in the House to stand up against that corruption.

And while a change in party control of the House this fall is likely, it may not change the outcome. Once the “facts” proffered by Nunes, Meadows and the rest are established, they will be difficult to overcome.  And those “facts” will lend strength to the Republican Senators should a Democratic House send an impeachment resolution to them. While it only takes a majority of the House to impeach, it takes two-thirds of the Senate to convict. Even if Democrats win a majority, some Republicans would have to cross over to remove Donald Trump.

The real conspiracy may not be the FBI trying to overthrow Trump, but the “Radical” Republicans trying to denigrate the FBI and the Mueller investigation.  Their success will be measured in votes, both in elections and on the floor of the Congress.  And they may already be winning that contest.




Author: Marty Dahlman

I'm Marty Dahlman. After forty years of teaching and coaching track and cross country, I've finally retired!!! I've also spent a lot of time in politics, working campaigns from local school elections to Presidential campaigns.