In the Tempest

In the Tempest

Last night, I had a great idea a for today’s essay. The President of the United States made a porn film with Stormy Daniels back in 2006. It’s the only logical conclusion. And while the logical process of this was well thought out, it doesn’t matter. Today’s events have overtaken that story.

Rex Tillerson was fired as Secretary of State. In fact, he was literally kicked to the curb, receiving word from the President through media. Tillerson, a true example of success in American business (rather than flash in American business – Trump) did the President’s bidding in dismantling the State Department: none of those “old” experts around to impede decisions with facts or history.

Tillerson was likely fired for two reasons: he stood by the United Kingdom when Russia attempted to execute a former spy with nerve gas in Salisbury, and he has made it clear that Iran was following the letter of the Accord. And of course, he was fired in the typical Trump fashion, with no courtesy or courage: informed through a tweet.

As the Mueller Investigation draws nearer to its conclusion, and the “sinking ship” of the White House grows in focus; Trump is making sure that those surrounding him have the primary value of personal loyalty. Mike Pompeo (former Director of CIA and former US Congressman) fits that bill better than an independent Tillerson.

It is clear that loyalty to Trump is coming to equal denial of Russian involvement in anything. This is playing to the script of “long ago” aide Steve Bannon. Bannon last week spoke to the French National Front party, the party of French nationalism (that can be read racism) and anti-European Union (NYT – Let Them Call You Racist.)

“Let them call you racists. Let them call you xenophobes. Let them call you nativists,” he said. “Wear it as a badge of honor.”

The Fascist tone was clear. That this matches the fascist tone of Putin’s Russia is clear as well. Bannon believes that there needs to be a “Northern European” (white) alliance of nationalists, to wage war (real or trade) against the true enemy: Islam. (see one of my first essays: The Bully and Bannon .)

We (the United States) have insulted our allies by withdrawing from the Paris Accord, demanding re-negotiation of NAFTA and CAFTA, and demanding tariffs on trade with allies like Canada, the European Union, and South Korea. We have failed to institute Congressionally passed sanctions against Russia for attacks on the US electoral process, as well as leaving the United Kingdom “hanging” when Russia tried to assassinate someone on their soil. It is plain whose “side” we are on.

The question is: why?

Why have we chosen Russia as the nation to treat with kid gloves? Why are we supporting a nation that clearly does not share our values in freedom and democracy?  In fact, why are we acting like them, with the President going out of his way to undercut the credibility of the press (“don’t boo Dictator Kim of North Korea, but Chuck Todd of NBC is a son of a bitch.)  Why is the European Union now our adversary?

Is this because the Administration has taken the Bannon philosophy to heart? While Bannon himself is gone, his ideology is still a powerful force in the White House. Or is it some more nefarious reason; a reason that only Robert Mueller may be able to ferret out?

We are in a tempest – one that is perilous to our nation. Today’s election in Pennsylvania may shed some light on the way out of the storm, but the next shoe to drop by Mueller may do even more.


It’s been 27 days since the school shooting in Parkland, Florida, and while the Florida legislature, as dominated by the NRA as they are, was able to reach some changes to protect schools, as far as the US government is concerned – it’s all talk.  Now woefully unqualified Secretary of Education DeVos is in charge of the “commission” to find solutions – there’s no reason to hold your breath.  WE need to demand action, not talk.

Author: Marty Dahlman

I'm Marty Dahlman. After forty years of teaching and coaching track and cross country, I've finally retired!!! I've also spent a lot of time in politics, working campaigns from local school elections to Presidential campaigns.