They Don’t Work

They Don’t Work

They Don’t Work.  They don’t work:  background checks to purchase a gun.  They don’t work:  bans on types of weapons, bans on high capacity magazines, bans on kinds bullets.  We are told over and over again, they don’t work.  We are told this by the National Rifle Association, we are told by the President, we are told by an idiot Congressman from Kentucky, we are told by our “friends” on Facebook. 

In fact, the only thing they say can work is to fill our lives with guns.  If we all were “strapped” we could then protect ourselves, just like the good old “wild, wild West.”

By the way, even in Dodge City, you had to remove your firearm before entering the saloon; doesn’t that make it a gun-free zone?

This macho, carry your gun and defend the weak “liberals” view is really a helpless view of the world.  It says:  our society can’t be changed, and so we just need to go with it and get ready to shoot more people.  There is nothing our government can do to protect us, it’s up to us (or more specifically, US with the gun!!)

Is it too “liberal” or  too “Democrat” to believe our government can solve problems?  Is it too “progressive” to think that we can’t find a way to protect our children besides flooding our world with more guns?   My God, some are even fighting fixing background checks for weapons, because that’s the first step to “taking our arms!” Facebook claims that all recent mass killers were Democrats:  all that does is push everyone into their corner.  Is that the NRA or the Russians – or both?

It is clear that when we have a national will to do something, we can get it done.  Whether it’s fighting World War II, or changing our culture about civil rights, clearly, We Shall Overcome!!!! 

I love my friends with guns.  I know we can talk civilly about what changes our nation can make to try to stop the killings.  I know we BOTH care about that kid hiding in the closet in Parkland.  But the conversation cannot begin with the words:  They Don’t Work.  Nothing works without the will to make it happen behind it. I believe in America.  I am a patriot who knows our destiny is to solve problems.   We shall find the national WILL to get this done. 

By the way:  last night President Trump claimed he never made any phone calls that proved “collusion” with the Russians.  That’s a new one:  did Trump read some classified report saying he made those calls?  If that’s true – is he trying to get out ahead of the news?  Trump said it was “fake news” before it was “real news” – so he wins!!!!

Author: Marty Dahlman

I'm Marty Dahlman. After forty years of teaching and coaching track and cross country, I've finally retired!!! I've also spent a lot of time in politics, working campaigns from local school elections to Presidential campaigns.

One thought on “They Don’t Work”

  1. As the Onion headline always reads after every mass shooting, “Only Developed Country In The World Where This Happens On A Regular Basis Says Nothing Can Be Done About It”.

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