Letter from Mitch


Chuck Schumer and his liberal cronies are doing everything they can to take away the Republican Majority in the Senate, and they only need to flip 4 seats to do it. There’s too much at stake to give up now and let Democrats takeover, which is why we must reach our July fundraising goal!

If Democrats take charge of the Senate, President Trump’s judicial nominees wouldn’t get confirmed and tax cuts could be repealed to fund costly proposals like socialized medicine and the Green New Deal.
There’s an important fundraising deadline in just 5 days, and we’re in danger of falling short of our goal for this month. We’ve fought too hard to just roll over and let Democrats capture the Majority. 

Democrats aren’t wasting any time. This will be a highly competitive election, which is why it is critical that all grassroots conservatives do their part.

Thank You – Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky

Delete – Delete – Delete

I get about seventy-five emails a day. Sixty of those are Democratic fundraising emails. I receive emails from the Presidential candidates I’ve donated to:  Bennet, Biden, Booker, Buttigieg, and Harris. “Act Blue” the fundraising arm, must share lists because other Presidential hopefuls:  Yang, Warren, Sanders, and Moulton send their pleas; as well as several Senate candidates from Kentucky to Michigan to Oregon.  

It’s usually delete, delete, delete; but occasionally one Democrat catches my eye.  And then there’s the email lists that don’t represent me at all:  the GOP lists, the emails from Richard Viguerie, the chairman of “conservative.hq,” “The Turning Point” people and Hillsdale College. Those get deleted even faster. But sometimes I pause and wonder how I got this, like the “personal note” I received from Mitch McConnell yesterday.

What America Fears

Old Mitch highlighted the three issues we are going to be hearing a lot about in the 2020 election cycle.  The first is we need to be afraid:  Democrats will take back the Supreme Court!  All of the terrible things the Court used to do will be back:  women’s right to choose, gay marriage, religious and gender equality; all will be the law!  Donate your $10, to keep America from protecting personal freedom.

And the tax cuts – the Democrats will take back the tax cuts.  You’d better donate a whole lot more than $10 if the tax cuts helped you (because you have a whole lot more than $10 to give.)  But for the vast majority of Americans who gained little or even lost income on the tax cut, well, as Journey says, “…don’t stop believing!” The economy will be ‘soooo’ much better. Look at the stock market, in fact, please just look at the stock market.  All of the other economic indicators are pretty flat, so keep you eyes on the stock market.  Somebody’s making a whole lot of money there, and they won’t pay much tax on it.


And then there’s the magic word:  SOCIALISM!  See, it even looks like a word that we should hate, it’s got lots of “S’s” like FACISISM or NAZISM or CAPTIALISM (oops, not that one.)  Socialized medicine sounds awful, until you call it something else, like Medicare.  Then it’s something everyone seems to look forward to.  But we are going to hear a lot about Democrats and socialism in the next year.

But even worse is that mix of SOCIALISM and GREEN – THE GREEN NEW DEAL! What, take care of the environment?  But what will I do about my SUV getting fifteen miles a gallon? I like coal pollution, I like global warming, I like crazy weather –don’t I?  Or the battle cry of the Republican Party – we’re over sixty years old, all that global change stuff is someone else’s problem.  We’ll be gone!

The Democratic Face

And when you talk about the Green New Deal, you raise the “dreadful” face of “the enemy,” ¡Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez!  That’s what Mitch McConnell and the Republican Party want to run against, a twenty-nine year old New Yorker serving her first term in the House of Representatives.  She represents the “insurgent left” in the Democratic Party, a “squad” of four, but Mitch wants her to be the poster child for all Democrats. Finally, after years of running against Nancy Pelosi, he’s found another woman to pick on.  That shouldn’t be a surprise.  A woman in power, and a Latina at that; it should really appeal to the vast majority of older white male Republicans.

The River of Time

The great current of history is running against the Republican Party.  They are running against youth, against the future, against an America growing more diverse.  From Schumer being Jewish to Ocasio-Cortez being Hispanic, he is picking all of the “boogie persons” that might appeal to a group of Americans that are growing smaller. It’s a short-sighted plan, one that a party dominated by seventy-some “old white guys” would chose.  

But maybe “the Resistance” should take heart in Mitch’s letter.  Our current times seem so desperate, even the thought of four more years of Donald Trump makes me feel physically ill.  But over the long course of history, that is, by the end of the next decade, when even I will be an official “old white guy;” the Republican Party of Trump and McConnell will be gone.  They have “bet the ranch” on a short-term strategy that literally will not survive the next ten years.  Martin Luther King once said:

“…may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to the Promised Land.” 

The “mountain-top” speech still applies today.  Us old white guys may not get there, but the currents of history will take America up to the mountain-top, and we will again be the promised land.  

Author: Marty Dahlman

I'm Marty Dahlman. After forty years of teaching and coaching track and cross country, I've finally retired!!! I've also spent a lot of time in politics, working campaigns from local school elections to Presidential campaigns.