Eyes on the Prize

Eyes on the Prize

Fox News Headlines (Thursday, October 18th)


Note:  first mention of Khashgogi torture/death – eighteen items down on webpage, behind cloud pattern that looks like eyes and man who fell into mine shaft and kills three rattlesnakes.

Trending on Facebook: why care about Khashoggi when four Americans killed at Benghazi?

Democrat and Independent Friends who want to begin to change the Trump Administration:  to use the hallowed expression of the Civil Rights movement, we need to keep “Eyes on the Prize.” The prize:  the mid-term election in less than three weeks, control of the House of Representatives and maybe the Senate, and a majority of the state governors. There are lots of issues that distract us away from this goal – some by our own party members.

The issues that should energize Democrats and Independents to go to the polls:

  • Healthcare – including affordability and covering pre-existing conditions
  • Stagnant income; most workers have not seen a rise in real income in years
  • Maintaining the rights of women, and LGBTQ
  • Safe and compassionate border control
  • Improving Educational opportunities and reducing the burden of student debt
  • Protecting folks from gun violence
  • Protecting the environment
  • Working to end opioid epidemic
  • Making sure everyone eligible to vote, can vote
  • Changing the “tone” of America.

Those Democrats and Independents that are motivated by what is going on in the Mueller Investigation are going to show up and vote.  The don’t need to be encouraged, and they don’t need to hear talk of “impeachment.” Americans will be ready for that process if, and when, convincing evidence is presented to them.  Until that time, it is premature and self-defeating to talk about it. Keep your “Eyes on the Prize.”

There will be a robust competition for the Democratic Presidential Nomination in 2020, and that competition will certainly begin shortly.  But for the next three weeks it’s not about 2020, it’s about Right NOW.  Elizabeth Warren trying to resolve her Native American ancestry; Hillary Clinton trying to justify her husband’s actions in light of the #MeToo era; Joe Biden trying to stay relevant, the “Sanders Wing versus the Clinton Wing:” none of this is making it more likely that Democrats will gain control of the House and Senate.  They need to stop and get their “Eyes on the Prize.”

There will be distraction after distraction.  Democrats will be called “radicals” and “mobs”; we will be threatened with “Argentina” and “antifa” as the results of Democratic control.  And (can you believe it) now:  THE CARAVAN is coming.  The George Soros/Nancy Pelozi Party is (supposedly) paying people to come from Central America to “storm” our borders; the ARMY may be needed to protect us.

Fear, Fear, Fear, Fear: that’s what President Trump is selling his followers.  Fear that Democrats might get some power, fear that they might shine a light on what the Trump Administration is doing on multiple fronts.  Be scared:  so get out and vote for Trump.

Democrats are faced with a different problem.  It’s not about fear (though fear of what Trump might do next does motivate some.) It’s not complacency, it’s more about “giving up.”  Democrats need to get their voters to believe that things can be different, they need to get their voters to vote for change, they need to get “Eyes on the Prize.”

Nineteen days until the mid-term elections.  The choices are actually pretty stark:  fear or change, the last two years or a different future, a nation focused on helping the top 1% or one that works for everyone.  Nineteen days until we can begin to change.  Don’t get distracted, don’t get sucked into old arguments or old “memes” created in a building in Russia.

“Eyes on the Prize.”



Author: Marty Dahlman

I'm Marty Dahlman. After forty years of teaching and coaching track and cross country, I've finally retired!!! I've also spent a lot of time in politics, working campaigns from local school elections to Presidential campaigns.

One thought on “Eyes on the Prize”

  1. Marty, Republicans always run on Hate and Fear, nothing new here. An interesting article in the Times today: “Big Pharma’s Nightmare:Trump Crossing the Aisle to Curb Drug Prices.” But it can only happen if Democrats take back the House.

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