The Dahlman Papers

Babs and Don Dahlman -Hanging out at the tennis stadium near their home in Sea Oaks, Florida around 2008 – both at 90 years of age!!!!

This is an “index” page for information and stories about Babs and Don Dahlman, my parents. They both had amazing lives – and both lived well into their 90’s (Mom – 1918 – 2011) (Dad – 1918 – 2016).

Mom wrote hundreds of pages about her life – from her upbringing in England to the Second World War, and onto her life with Dad in the United States.

Dad wrote as well – about his life and about his pioneering work in television.

And I’m their son, Martin Dahlman. I have written some as well – including stories about them, and about our family.

My goal is to get all of these writings in one place. For the family, especially the great grandchildren who someday will want to read their stories, and for anyone interested in two lives intertwined of the “Greatest Generation”.

Babs Dahlman, circa 1946
Don Dahlman, 1941 –
College Yearbook Picture

Here are the stories written by Babs Dahlman. Links will go active as they become available:

Here are the writings of Don Dahlman. The links will go active as the stories become available:

  • 60 Years with Babs
  • Fridays with Art

These are stories about Mom and Dad written by Martin Dahlman as part of the “Our America” series from 2017 through 2021.

Don Dahlman:

Babs Dahlman:

Babs and Don:

And here’s one about my Grandfather – Ben Dahlman

Don and Babs are buried side by side in a spot they chose in Spring Grove Cemetery in Cincinnati. They are alongside the road – just under the statue of Johnny Appleseed – the one that Mom always thought looked like Peter Pan.

My Eulogy to Mom

My Eulogy to Dad

Links to Babs and Don on the internet:

Looking for Essays on Politics and Life from Marty Dahlman – click here!!