Introduction to Our America

I’m Marty Dahlman. I spent a career teaching government in high school and coaching track and cross country.  But my very first jobs were in political campaigns, and though I switched to teaching, I still continued politics in my spare time. I worked most levels, from school levies to US Presidential.

In this age of “identification” you can place my ideology in the Liberal column (I hate the new-speak “Progressive”).  I am proudly a “card carrying” member of the Democratic party.  Now  that you’ve got me labeled, it might be time to “turn me off”.  That’s what we do in this our current political world. We “turn off” any ideas that might conflict with our own: ideas that might pierce our little ideological bubble.

With the election of President Trump, many of us looked for a way to contribute to “the Resistance”.   My niece, who grew up taking part in our family dinner-table political conversations, suggested that I write about what’s going on in today’s politics and administration.  So I started writing in February, 2017. Now, seven years later, there are more than 1700 essays and 2700 subscribers.  

Whatever we might wish, the Trump years aren’t over.  Our nation so far has survived  a once-in-a-century pandemic, but we’ve managed to forget all about that.  2020 seems to be a “lost year” in our lives, and our memories.  We remain as polarized as ever:  so divided that we can’t even unify to vaccinate ourselves against Covid, or protect our basic democratic institutions.  

Three years ago an insurrection breached the doors of the Capitol and disrupted our legislative process. The rioters were a lot of things, but they still were Americans.   The Confederate Flag flew in the halls of Congress, 156 years after the last Rebel attack fell short.  January 6th, 2021, is a dark day in our history.  And the leaders of that Insurrection have yet to be held accountable, with Trump himself  granted “immunity”.

The US is involved in two wars.  We are supplying the arms to keep Russia at bay in Ukraine, and we are “getting the backs”  of Israelis in their war of retribution in Gaza. Like it or not, either of these could drag us into greater involvement.

So what will happen next?  It’s hard to foretell.  We are approaching the elections of  2024.  There’s a lot to discuss, and, after seven years, the highs and lows of the Biden Administration to talk about too.  

 It doesn’t get more important than that.  So, here it is: welcome to my version of “Our America”.

Our America – Top Essays

based on “hits” (does not include subscribers)

All Time Top Ten
  1. Lester Kahrig
  2. Shanksville
  3. Memories of Notre Dame
Top Ten Political
  1. Flags and Shoes 
  2. OK Boomer
  3. More Perfect 
  4. An American Apprenticeship 
  5. Not When You’re Angry 
  6. A Letter to My Senator 
  7. Live and Let Die 
  8. Guns and Sadness 
  9. Again 
  10. I am a Liberal
Where it all begins!!!
Back in the beginning
The Author in 1977
Today – new hat – less hair!!!

Looking for Information about my parents – Babs and Don Dahlman – click here!!